MNG82001 Organisational Behaviour - Case Study On Key Components Of My Effective Team


Teamwork is the amalgamation of varied ideas, techniques, skills and knowledge focused for attaining a common goal. It is the mode of performance of a task by a group of individuals sharing their individual efforts and skills. Teamwork has always been regarded as a more productive means of performing a specific task, compared to an individual’s work. Through teamwork one can achieve greater productivity, more effective use of resources and better problem solving success (Chiappetta & Sandbergh 2004, p.44). Successful companies at present are implementing varied techniques to promote teamwork within their boundaries to produce the best desired results.  

Proving the significance of teamwork, task performance through the same means has undoubtedly illustrated its worth. However, productivity of a team performing towards a same target is based on certain factors like, communication among the team members, individual skills, commitment, cohering and impartiality. Absence of any of the factor may affect the productivity of the team, hence desired outcome might not be achieved.  Importance of teamwork is growing, not only at an organizational or team level, but particularly when it comes to team members (Carmen et al 2013). Teamwork is not only considered as a performance procedure for high productivity but it also benefits the team members in enhancing their skills and knowledge through other co-members.  


Veritas Event Management Company and Australian based company involved in organizing and managing varied types and levels of events like seminars, conferences and exhibitions, is hired by the Export Council of Australia (ECA) for organizing and hosting a trade exhibition for the promotion of local products and exporters. As foreign buyers and competitors were officially invited for the event, it was the main requirement of the host organization that the whole event must be organized and managed in compliance with the Australia’s global appearance and reputation. There was zero tolerance for any negligence and incompetency. 

Considering the significance of the event Veritas’s management decided to split the event’s varied tasks into different teams, and to increase its manpower it hired part-time workers, mostly students of the local universities of which many were immigrants. The Veritas’s management designed the complete layout of the whole event, formed teams and assigned tasks to the individual teams. 

The exhibition was a two day event, while the whole venue was supposed to be ready two days prior the actual date for the participants to furnish their display booths and to re-examine the fulfillments of the event requirements. During the fabrication period everything seems to be in control and as per planned, teams were performing according to their directives and it was expected that the venue will be ready within the allocated time. However the venue opening time for the participating companies got delayed by few hours as some sound system installation was not completed.  

Moreover, as soon as the participants reached their allocated booths, Veritas’s management started receiving complaints regarding improper lighting on their respective booths, paint spots on the furniture, matching furniture was not available in booths, company’s posters not properly pasted, even identification numbers were missing on some of the booths. The situation was quite alarming for the event company as the scenario highlighted its mismanagement which would affect its future reputation. Veritas’s management immediately formed another ad hoc team for the resolution of all the reported issues. 

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