MMS704 Sport Ethics And Integrity - Take Home Exam Help

Assignment Help on Open-book Take Home Online Exam

Trimester 1 2022 Examination

Unit Code:                                          MMS704

Unit Name:                                         Sport Ethics and Integrity

Exam Name:                                       Open-book Take Home Online Exam

Maximum Word Count:                    2000 words                

Anticipated writing time:                  TWO (2) HOURS

Special instructions for Candidates:

  • This examination is OPEN BOOK.
  • This examination is open for 24 HOURS. Within this period you can select when you complete the exam.
  • This examination constitutes 50% of your assessment in this unit.
  • This examination comprises question that you are required to answer.
  • Save your exam response on your computer using the file name: student ID, unit code and the unit name, for example: 216123123_MMM704_Sport_Ethics_and_Integrity
  • Record all answers in the spaces provided below for each question and upload the .docx to the Exam Submission Dropbox on the CloudDeakin unit site OR
  • Late submissions will not be marked.
  • Remember to save your work regularly.
  • It is important that you complete this task individually. Your submission will be reviewed for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
  • If you encounter any technical issues with CloudDeakin, please contact the IT Service Desk online or via phone (1800 463 888; +61 5227 8888 if calling from outside Australia) and record your ticket number as evidence of technical issues during the examination period.
  • In the unlikely event that you cannot upload your completed exam paper, email it as an attachment to your unit chair [email protected] within the submission time.

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