The purpose of this assessment is to provide you with opportunities to develop important skills and knowledge required in the study and practice of management in organisations. Through engaging in this task, you will develop important academic skills in researching, applying, evaluating, and presenting information and ideas to the standard required of business professionals.
Understanding how management theory and concepts are used to both guide and evaluate management decisions is important to the success of professionals in organisations. Although organisations come in a variety of shapes and sizes, the foundation management theories and concepts studied in MMM132 can be used to understand and evaluate management in most organisations.
Two-part assessment
This assessment is in two parts due on different dates. It is important you submit both parts.
The knowledge and academic research, planning, citing, evaluative and referencing skills learned in Part A1.1 of this assignment will help you with the requirements in Part A1.2.
For both parts of this assessment task, imagine you are applying for a graduate job at either Qantas or Netflix. As part of the application process, you are asked to complete a report examining certain aspects of its management and organisation.
Specific Requirements
PART A1.1 Business Report Progress Assessment due 8pm Tuesday 4 April (Week 5)
Purpose: This assessment begins your journey of learning to research and present your knowledge and skills relevant to the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes of GLO1, GLO2, and GLO4. It provides the basis of what you need to do to prepare your A1.2 and helps you develop transferable skills needed for other university studies and the workplace.
Specifically, this assessment will help you develop and evaluate your skills in:
- finding and evaluating relevant management theory and concepts presented in the prescribed textbook and peer reviewed Management journal articles.
- writing a 500-word mini-essay in a formal structured way to identify, define, explain, and critically analyse and evaluate management concepts and practice in a real-life organisations.
- planning your Final Business Report by preparing an A1.2 draft Table of Contents (TOC)
- learning to apply the APA7 citing and referencing skills required in MMM132.
- checking your final submission meets the assessment criteria shown in the assessment rubric.
Task A1.1.1: Briefly summarise the components of an organisation’s external business environment. Then identify and evaluate the potential impact of any two economic factors evident in 2022-23 that may affect either Qantas or Netflix. Support your discussion with examples relevant to your selected organisation. Begin your research by reading Chapter 4, LO1 of the text.
In your answer you must attempt to include:
- essay format up to a maximum of 500-words (includes citations but not the reference list)
- DEAR to define, explain, apply, analyse, and critically evaluate the ideas used in your essay.
- one or more citations from the prescribed MMM132 textbook
- one or more citations from a relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal article
- one or more citations from a reputable source about your chosen organisation or their website
- one or more directly quoted citations using APA7
- one or more paraphrased citations using APA7
- a reference list of all the sources used in this task (A1.1) using APA7
Task A1.1.2: Provide a draft Table of Contents (TOC) for your forthcoming A1.2 Business Report Include numbered sections and sub-section headings (see Week 2 Lecture and Business Report format on pp. 4-5 of this document).
Task A1.1.3: Provide a draft reference list of all the sources you plan to use in your A1.2 Business Report. The reference list must be formatted using APA7 referencing conventions and include the following minimum number of references.
- the prescribed MMM132 textbook
- one or more Management academic journal articles for each task A1.2.1, A1.2.2, and A1.2.3.
- one reputable (non-academic) source of information relevant to your organisation or their website
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