MMH331 Strategic Human Resource Management Structured Reflection 1

Description / Requirements

 Throughout the course of the trimester, students will analyse, discuss and debate a number of contemporary human resource management (HRM) issues in the seminars. Students will critically reflect on three selected issues in light of their theoretical HRM understanding. Reflection on each of the issues would be expected to be approximately 500 -800 words each (approximately 650 words each; with the total word count across all three being 2000 words).

The critical reflections will be based on guided questioning as relevant to each of the issues.



After considering the article, and the seminar activities and discussions from week 2, students are required to write a 500 – 800 word (approximately 650 word) critical reflection guided by the following questions:

  1. How does the idea of nepotism fit with you own value system?
  2. If faced with a situation of nepotism at work what would you do? Would you be able to stand up and say something, or not? If not, what would stop you?
  3. What was the consensus from the class discussions about the ability to stand up for something that you believe is unethical? What did you learn from this?

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