MGT600 ComSyst Technologies - Case Study


The main objective of this report is to make an analysis of the challenges that the multinational company CST is facing, as well as to provide recommendations that help solve this problem in which the organization has been involved for two years.

Mainly, it is to investigate in detail about those gaps that put the demand, skills and abilities of CST at risk. As well as show how ComSyst Technologies should be managed from now on.

In addition, it is essential to conduct a study of the influence that some aspects have on the success of the organization. As they are for example, the technological advances, the analysis of the competition, why they lost the tenders, and a study of the behavior of the employees and even of the recruiters or managers.


The multinational company CST is located in different countries, having offices in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Philippines, India and South Korea. Within its services it offers to develop systems and communications software that serves for the defense and emergency services industries.

Today the main problems of the company are the loss of three major tenders to competitors and their participation in the market has decreased considerably.

This is due to problems directly related to employees and their poor performance, the decrease in staff retention and the resignations of key specialists for the company.

In addition, there are different types of problems in the technological advances of CST compared to other places, which has shown a gap in the skills and technical capacities of the multinational.

Main discussion

Case Study.

  • Attracting and retaining the best talent possible. 

Nowadays it can be difficult for companies to attract or retain the best talents. Workers may feel less loyal to an organization if they find better payments or prospects elsewhere. In addition, workplace culture may play an important role.

The secret to attracting a high quality of applicants is the difference that one company can offer over another.

For example, McKinsey senior partners Scott Keller and Mary Meany addresses many important problems facing leaders. However, one of the most important problem is attracting and retaining talent. (Keller S. & Meany M; 2017). 

McKinsey & Company’s business strategy involved cross functional initiatives that took 3 years to complete. They came up with a plan that if they take 20% of average talent and replace it with the best talent, how soon can they achieve the desired result. If these people were 400, it would take less than 2 years. If the company doubles this figure also, it would take less than a year.

Some strategies to CST to retain current workers for a long period could be:

  • Find passive candidates and let them know you want them; passive candidates are those who are currently employed and are not actively seeking work. These tend to be more qualified and appear to be the right people for the job. A communication in person about this will make the employees feel more motivated, and will attract attention and also show them that the company is interested in their great talent. (Garner P; 2018).

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