MGT4801 Fundamentals of Project Management Assignment 2

Group Assignment brief

Module code


Module title

Fundamentals of Project Management

Submission date, time

Submission date and time as per Assessment Deadlines Table

Submission type: online via TurnitIn


type & date

Feedback will be provided online on the submitted document on TurnitIn as per

Assessment Deadlines Table:

Word count

4,000 words (+/- 10%)

Assignment type

Group report

Assignment structure and format

Students will collaboratively create a project plan. This group project will allow students to develop various elements of a project plan. The assignment will enable students to demonstrate the required competencies in project management tools and techniques.

Specific requirements will be provided in a dedicated assessment briefing sheet.

Assessed learning

outcome (s)

This assessment addresses learning outcomes 4, 5, 6.


weighting %


Key reading and learning resources

Key resources:

Larson, E.W., Gray, C.F., 2020. Project management: The managerial process (8th Ed). Grandview Heights, OH: McGraw-Hill Education.

Class notes Accompanying templates

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