The Policy impact
The stakeholders
Australia’s Gender Diversity policy of 2019 is important because it incorporates the transgender communities, brother boys and sister girls (Trans men and women) into the AFL and AFLW (Australian Football League, 2019). The affectees of this policy are indeed these trans-subjects as well, as the Australia population, the sports entities and also the government, as this policy tackles a unique segment of society which is linked to all the other ones. While for the football clubs and their coaches it is an added responsibility, the policy acts to support both the government and transgendered segment of society. The general populace is also introduced to newer social paradigms where there can now be a culture of inclusivity.
The chain of command
Reflected through a chain of command, are the stakeholders impacts and efforts towards the policy assessed. Shown below is the chain of command:
The chain of command that is illustrated above reflects the amount of contributions and implications for each of the parties, because the higher up a stakeholder is in the hierarchy, the more their stakes and the more their ability to influence the decisions. The actual lobbyist behind the policy might not be the Australian Football League, but only an enactor of those decisions. The government’s decision to enact gender diversity led to the formation of this policy, which ultimately created a culture for the AFL to become a vehicle to carry it out, in turn causing a ripple effect on the sports clubs, the coaching community and inevitably the whole of the Australian general populace. There has been backlash from the skeptics of this policy (The Conversation, 2019).
The Policy
Its content
The policy itself has two tenets, one for the trans women to join the AFLW and the other one for trans men for joining the AFL. Whilst creating diversity, a main focus and a ground for disqualification is unregulated or exceeding testosterone levels and doping. These applications can be reviewed by the organisation under special circumstances,provisionally granted and even denied. This basically is for the purpose of giving instruction to sporting clubs, for the coaching community to follow, and for tackling those who might use it as a loophole, and most importantly for the AFL who puts out a mechanism by which gender diversity can be implemented, only if the instructions for it are followed (Australian Football League, 2019).
Social causes and Impacts
Who remains a target of this policy is the transgendered populace, which the policy is targeted towards specifically, as they can now earn for a livelihood rather than becoming a burden on other taxpayers money. They now carry the ability to be employed and according to (2019) a culture of inclusivity is then promoted in Australia internally, as gender inclusive and gender diverse schooling practices then open up. Additionally, a paradigm shift occurs, as the perceptions of hesitation around trans-persons are then converted to a perception of normality. A trend of inclusion, an integrative mechanism formed with the governments cooperation, the empowerment of the trans community, a mechanism to alleviate them out of poverty and the provision of a basic human right then ensue. In McInnes Lawyers (2019) this “moving of the goalpost” is the reason behind, as well as a practical manifestation of anti-discrimination in sports.
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