MGT1OBE Organisational Behaviour Main Exam

Instructions to Students:

This examination contributes 40% of the final subject mark.

This examination paper contains 4 questions. You are required to answer all 4 questions. Each question is worth 10 marks. This examination is worth 40 marks in total.

Address each of the 4 questions with a maximum of 500 words (+10%).

This is a take-home exam.

Responses to the exam questions must be submitted via the submission link on the LMS prior to the deadline.

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QUESTION 1 (10 marks)

Reflect on your experience working in a team for this subject’s group assignment. With reference to the interpersonal communication process, identify and discuss two types of barriers (‘noise’) to effective communication you experienced and provide an example of each (6 marks). Explain how you successfully or unsuccessfully addressed each barrier (4 marks).

QUESTION 2 (10 marks)

To increase employee performance, the CEO is thinking of introducing rewards in the form of pay bonuses, gift-certificates, and employee-of-the-month awards. With reference to Vroom’s expectancy theory, discuss the likely advantages and disadvantages of the proposed reward system (6 marks) and outline a better reward system (4 marks).

QUESTION 3 (10 marks)

Search the internet for an organisation in the airline industry. How would you describe their organisational culture? In your answer make reference to their observable culture, shared values and common assumptions (6 marks). What function does the organisation’s culture serve? (4 marks)

QUESTION 4 (10 marks)

Reflect on your experiences as a student in this subject. With reference to the organisational behaviour literature, identify and discuss two types of power you exercised during group work and provide an example of each (6 marks). Explain two ways to enhance your power as a student at university (4 marks).


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