Assessment 3 is a written report, based on the questions below.
Your report should be 2,500 words (+/- 10%) and start with a one page Executive Summary of your report. The Executive Summary, Reference list, cover sheet, and any appendices are not included in the word count.
The allocation of your word count between the questions below is up to you, but you should apportion your words in line with the marks allocated to each question. In other words, a question worth 30% of the marks should take roughly 30% of the word count to answer.
Your report should use and demonstrate an understanding of the key topics, ideas and theories covered in class and engage with the assigned readings. Your report should be a fully referenced report and make extensive use of the assigned weekly readings for this unit (those in the Program Calendar in the unit outline and listed as ‘Essential Reading’ in the Reading List).
Assessment cover sheet:
Please ensure to complete and include the cover sheet (available in Blackboard) on both the draft and the final version. Ensure your name is in the name of the file you upload.
Report Questions:
Question 1 (worth 50% or 20 marks)
Consider the issues raised in each of the topics considered in weeks 6-11 of the Business Ethics unit. Of these, what are the 2 most likely ethical issues you might face in this role and why are they the most relevant? Can you explain to me would the normative theories say about these issues and why?
(Your answer should demonstrate an understanding of these three normative theories as discussed in this class and as applied to cases and issues in this class and should cover ethical issues from more than two modules.)
Question 2 (worth 25% or 10 marks)
Of the topics we considered in weeks 6-11 of the Business Ethics unit which topic do you think you will be the least likely you might face in this role and why is that?
Your answer should show a strong awareness of the most relevant ethical topics and questions from the unit (that is, the topics and issues raised in Modules 6-11).
Question 3 (worth 25% or 10 marks)
What would you say to someone who would argue that just following the law will take care of these issues without the need for companies and individuals to act ethically?
(Your answer should demonstrate an understanding of these issues as discussed in this class and as explained in the readings from the Reading List this class.)
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