MGMT3005 - Assessment 3 Event Evaluation

Assistance on Self Reflection

Assessment 3 addresses Unit Learning Outcomes 3, 4, 5 and associated Graduate Capabilities (see p.3 Unit Outline):

  1. Apply theories, methodologies, and research techniques to event management functions
  2. Integrate policy dimensions when managing issues and trends in the creating, staging and evaluating of events
  3. Analyse an event through the reporting of research and event evaluation.

The aim of this assessment is for students to consider event evaluation from a theoretical basis and three applications – (a) evaluating the staging of the event, (b) evaluating the event team, (c) evaluating your event through reflective learning, (d) evaluating your event outcomes. The assessment is designed in four sections:

  1. WIL Project Event evaluation – lecturer/Industry partner will assess the staging of the event on the event day (10 marks/Week 10/11).

This first section relates to the evaluation of stalls for the staging of the event on 10th May and relates to the application of discipline knowledge. It includes but is not limited to the following set-up, preparedness, shut-down, completeness; timeliness/on time; health, safety, risk; stall design, ambience, attractiveness, look; marquee layout, décor, furnishings, theme, cleanliness, hygiene; waste management, general condition/ maintenance of  your stall; staffing; visitor service, crowd/people management; communication, signage; popularity/activity interest/sell-out; other relevant staging activity.

  1. Peer Teamwork evaluation - Peer mark supported by ~2-3 comments per criteria awarded to each group member according to the rubric provided. (10 marks/in class Week 11). Submit completed rubric to Blackboard submission point under Assessment 3 Part b Friday 26 May 18:00 hours.

Event teams should discuss within their groups, reflect on the discussion and own observations and experiences, and then peer assess their group’s teamwork learning during the semester (Event concept, event planning, event staging). The teamwork rubric provides the criteria to support this assessment. The teamwork evaluation is a team process that is assessed as an individual mark. Once teams have discussed the teamwork, individually award a mark and provide sufficient evidenced based explanation/justification in the comments section to support the awarding of marks for each of their team members, provide 2-3 comments per criteria. Students will need to individually complete and submit the completed teamwork rubric via Blackboard.

  1. Critical self reflection - individual learning reflection 450-500 words (10 marks). Write independently once the event has been staged and submit to Blackboard submission point under Assessment 3 Part c by Friday 26 May 18:00 hours.

Consider the three phases of your WIL project’s event learning – the event conceptualisation, event planning, event staging and write a self-reflection using Gibb’s (1988) Reflective Cycle. Please see the notes provided in the Assessment 3 tab, these also include a bibliography for further reading to assist the development of your reflection.

  1. Event Evaluation – Creative Festival/Miri Event (20 marks/to be completed in class activity in Week 12)) submitted to Blackboard at the end of class activity.

Students will demonstrate their learning of event evaluation and impact assessment as applied to their own event in a written assessment activity to be held in class in Week 12. Submission to be uploaded to Blackboard at end the of class. This section will focus on Weeks 9 and 10 lecture slides and your reading. Please see the bibliography below as a starting point. Some considerations may include:

  • How has the event achieved its objectives?
  • How would you determine the event worth?
  • Analyse the outcomes and impacts?
  • Has the event considered ‘sustainability’?
  • Recommendations for future events.

Supporting documents:

  1. Assessment 3 brief
  2. Assessment 3 marking rubric
  3. Assessment 3 Part b Peer assessment rubric template
  4. Event Reflection notes
  5. A bibliography to support the assessment sections

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