MET Call Patient Scenario - Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Group Presentation: MET Call Scenario

Professional Task

15 minutes in-class presentation There is no word limit for this presentation. If you exceed the time by 10%. the marker will stop marking (at 16 5 minutes) Each member of the group needs to deliver the presentation. All group members are to contribute and present as equally as possible to this presentation

Aim of Assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to enable students to

  1. Demonstrate the ability to recognise a deteriorating patient and escalate care, prioritise in the context of the underlying pathophysiology
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the link between the patient's clinical deterioration and pathophysiology by analysing the information provided in the case study

3 Demonstrate an understanding of the clinical manifestations and recognition of deteriorating patient within the pathophysiological framework using a holistic patient-focused approach

  1. Apply the clinical information provided in the case study and describe the appropriate high priority management strategies in the (Medical Emergency Team) MET call scenario


This assessment task will be a group presentation presented in class by a group of 5-6 students Your tutor will
allocate one of the MET call patient scenario case studies available in the vUWS site (under the Assessment 3 Tab).

Students must use the MET call patient scenario and the Group Contribution Log for this assessment item that is located under the Assessments tab on the Subject vUWS site.


The presentation should answer all the questions below

Q1.Explain in an oral presentation the high priority clinical manifestations that have resulted in the escalation to MET call using a primary survey format

Q2.Describe the pathophysiological link to the identified high priority clinical manifestations and the disease conditions that the patient has

Q3.Discuss the pathophysiological link between the multiple disease conditions that the deteriorating patient has and the clinical presentation

Q4.Discuss TWO diagnostic results and relate it to the underlying pathophysiology

Q5.E.plain THREE high priority interventions you will do to improve the patient's clinical condition.

Q6.Discuss the pharmacological actions of TWO drugs that could be used in the management of this patient's acute deterioration

Additional Information

You are to deliver the presentation in-class as a group

  • The case study and the group you will be working with needs to be agreed upon and scheduled upon with your

class tutor during your face-to-face tutorial in WEEK 1 of the semester

Your presentation should address all the questions above in relation to the case study

Accompanying your oral presentation should be the completed group Contribution Log (available under As­sessment 3 Zone in vUWS) This should be submitted to your class tutor before the due date for the presentation.

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