Technologies since its beginning has been dictating our lifestyle, attitudes, beliefs, and even mindsets. Rapid advancement in technologies is constantly introducing new innovations, which has not only reshaped the choices, demands and accessibilities of general public but at the same it has re-designed the products, services and its availabilities. Internet and computers are the most ultimate invention of the technological era. It besides presenting multiple advantages and opportunities among all spheres of life, at the same time have also generated certain challenges. Particularly advancement in technologies influencing the choices and psyche of a common man has greatly affected the conventional modes of operations among business and service segments.
Before the ripening of technologies, television and cinema were the prominent source of information, entertainment and advertising as well. A Significant number of people were associated with television and cinema industry, communities having meager accessibilities and entertainment avenues both the mentioned segments were also a quite profitable business. However, advancement in technologies, particularly the boost in communication means, immeasurably influenced both the segments. Digital technology has allowed for improved and enhanced television services and for a more efficient usage of available spectrum (Free 2010, p. 834). Though, advanced technologies significantly enhaced the quality and deliverance of end-products of both the segments, but simultaneously it adversely affected their revenues.
Digital platform a brainchild of the advance technologies has effectively taken over the conventional modes of television and cinema. Moreover, “streaming service”, a product of digital platform has appeared as a prominent challenge for television segment.
Television and Cinema past – present - future:
Past: - Television services started its journey in the early nineteens, shifting from mechanical to electronic tv sets, black n white to colour, TV has passed through various stages. In the beginning there were fewer TV stations providing services to scantiest number of TV sets, it was the testing phase of television broadcasting service. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, a number of countries experimented with various mechanical and electronic methods of television, and there many claims made as to who was first with a true television system or service (Higgins 2007, p. 12).
During this phase, Fewer programs like sports and shows were presented on television. The look of television was simple and straightforward (Medoff & Kaye 2011, p. 46). Later on, as more developments were made among the TV services, having increased number of viewers and TV sets, it started commercial services as well. Television had already been invented by the time of the second world war, but it was until after the war that it rapidly gained popularity all round the world to become the mainstay of the mass media in the latter half of the twentieth century (Fuchs, Kasahara, Saaler 2018, p. 306).
As there were no productive source for conveying messages and opinions to large communities, TV channels were regarded as the most preferred choice for product marketing and information. TV channels were making good business through advertisements on their channels. However, as everything was done manually at TV channels, the entire planning, designing and production procedures were quite laborious. Even the actors had to wear green makeup, with black lipsticks as cameras at that time were not prone to white colour, also had to perform under the intense heat of lights required for capturing their performance in cameras (Dominick 2010, p. 228).
Similar to TV, cinema also have to pass through many developmental phases. It started in 1895 when moving pictures were displayed to the audience against some payments. The moving pictures displayed were only of few minutes length and were presented in dark rooms or any other spaces. Later on the same moving pictures developed into a movie sy
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