MD4044 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Entrepreneurial Management and its Impact on Organisational Performance


·         You are required to produce a well-researched report on the topics below.

·         Entrepreneurship has been identified as a managerial capability since managers are expected to perform entrepreneurial role within the organisation. Engaging fully with at least five (5) core literature on entrepreneurial management – discuss entrepreneurial management and evaluate the impact of entrepreneurial management on organisational growth and performance (1500 words)

·         Explain the five (5) dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation (see Lumpkin and Dess, 1996). Using a reflective model/tool, reflect on the extent to which you demonstrate any ONE of these dimensions (500 words)


·         Consider using relevant examples to support your discussion

·         You must be critical of the core literature you used for the assignment

·         Ensure you engage with literature and not just mere citations

·         Provide argument and counter-argument

·         You must use a reflective model/tool to capture your reflection

·         The assessment is based on learning outcome 1 and 2


·         Regular attendance and engagement with lecture and lecture materials

·         Reading and engagement with module resources on Blackboard

·         There will be a session on entrepreneurial reflection to prepare you for the assessment

·         Lastly, an assessment workshop will be organised later in the semester to prepare you for the assessment.


Assessment Deadline date and time: 11:59pm Thursday May 6th 2022               

Assessment Release date: May 30th 2022                                        

Ensure you submit your assignment on Turnitin latest by the deadline. Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!

Your feedback/feed forward and mark for this assessment will be provided on Turnitin


·         Assignment format: Report

·         Document format: MS word file or PDF

·         Total word count: 2000 (+/- 10%)

·         Referencing style: Harvard referencing style

·         Submission: Anonymous submission on Turnitin


  • For further support or question regarding the assessment contact the module leader/lecturer at: [email protected]

·         You will find information links to all our Library resources in the Library area of the Student Hub. For support with using these resources, please contact your subject librarian at [email protected].

·         You can get support with your academic skills (academic writing, critical thinking and referencing) through WISER. For details of the WISER support services go to the Study Skills section of the Student Hub.

  • If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then contact to discuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability.  For more information, visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.
  • To access mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form. Alternatively, you can email [email protected], call 01772 893020, attend a drop-in, or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service pages for more information.
  • If you have any other query or require further support, you can contact Student Support via [email protected].  Speak with us for advice on accessing all the University services as well as the Library services. Whatever your query, our expert staff will be able to help and support you. For more information, please visit the Student Hub.
  • If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online prior to the deadline.

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