Assignment 1
In this assignment, you are asked to draw upon your understanding of the short guide titled Business data analysis to answer several questions about business data analytics. While a copy of the guide is provided in the Assignment 1 folder on Moodle, you are welcome to read the actual guide by accessing the following web URL.
- Business data analysis
This short guide on Business data analysis provides an accessible overview of different aspects of Business Data Analysis, including focus areas of data analysis for a typical business, the components of business analytics, the major types of business analytics, a business analysis process model, and what the job of a business analyst would entail.
Assignment Tasks:
In Section 1 of the guide on “What is business data analysis?”, the author described 6 special areas where a typical business can utilise data analysis to gain better insights, make strategic decisions, solve complex problems, etc. Further on, in Section 4 on “Types of business analytics”, the author presented the four types of business analytics.
- Explain which type(s) of business analytics is/are useful to each of the 6 special areas. Note, you must include practical examples to support your answer. [6 x 4 marks]
- For each business example included in (a), describe the kind(s) of data, including their sources and formats, you believe are useful and should be [6 x 4 marks]
- Use proper refrencing [2 marks]
For your assignment, you might consider presenting your answer in a table where rows in the first column correspond to the 6 special areas, the second column explains for each special area which type(s) of business analytics is/are suitable, while the third column describes for each business example the kind(s) of data you believe are useful and should be collected.
The word limit is 750 words, excluding additional references.
You can use Internet search to find resources to support your discussion and explanation. However, you must cite any source according by using the APA referencing style (
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