Chapter 7 Assignment-Matching Match the payment status indicator on the left with the description on the right. Reference table 7.1 in the textbook for a listing of payment status indicators. Payment StatusIndicator (SI) Description APC payment reimbursement methodology: included in New Technology APCs, discounted when multiple of this SI appear on same claim, same day of service Comprehensive APC Payment: all services are packaged with this SI Packaged payment APC payment reimbursement methodology: drugs, biologicals and radiopharmaceuticals that are not pass-through eligible Conditional APC payment: STV conditionally packaged services Inpatient only procedures Conditional APC payment or via the Clinical Lab Fee Schedule when applicable Fee schedule payment: example is physical therapy APC payment reimbursement methodology: included in New Technology APCs, multiple procedure reduction does not apply APC payment reimbursement methodology: emergency department encounters Reasonable cost reimbursement methodology: Pass-through devices with no copayment Composite APC payment: APC 8004 Ultrasound
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