Emory University Goizueta Business School ACT 211 - MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Course Syllabus, Spring 2023 Instructor information Instructor:Cassandra Estep, PhD Pronouns:she/her/hers Office:GBS 447 (in the Accounting suite) Email:[email protected] Office hours: Tuesday 1:00 - 2:00 PM Course schedule SectionMeeting Dates/TimeLocation 1101Tu/Th 10:00 AM - 11:15 AMGBS 208 1102Tu/Th 11:30 AM - 12:45 PMGBS 208 Learning objectives Managerial accounting is designed to provide information to managers (and other persons that areinsideof the firm) that is relevant for planning and control decisions. This course will focus on both the creation of such information as well as its implementation and use. The course will emphasize the fundamental concepts underlying accounting information and the strategic importance of accounting data to managerial decision making. In this course, we will use ideas from economics, statistics, psychology, and accounting to address "real-world" challenges. In addition, we will hone communication skills through interaction and discussion. Specific course objectives include gaining an understanding of: •the decision-facilitating role and decision-influencing role of managerial accounting in organizations •how managers use accounting information to plan operations, control behavior, and make decisions •the technical and conceptual aspects of managerial accounting, including various managerial problem-solving techniques •the behavioral implications of managerial accounting information Course format and communication I will provide hardcopies (handouts) of session notes and selected course materials in class. If class is missed for any reason or handouts are lost, a copy will be posted to Canvas after each class session. Canvas can be accessed at:www.classes.emory.edu I will use Canvas as the primary means of distributing material and information outside of class. Canvas will be used to post announcements, assignments, grades, etc. You are responsible for ensuring that you have access to Canvas for this class.You are expected to check Canvas for announcements and deliverables on a daily basis.
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