MA506 Business and Company Law

Assignment Help on Business Law Themes

Assessment Task Description

You are required to complete the following assessment:

Question 1:

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we observed that despite being part of the same country, each Australian state and territory responded differently to manage the pandemic. On the other hand, the power to open the Australian borders for international students and visitors seems to be in the hands of the Federal Government only. However, tax can be imposed on us both by the Federal and State governments. For example, income tax is collected by the federal government, but stamp duty is payable to the state government.

In the context of the above statements, analyse how the Australian Constitution has divided law making powers between the Federal Government and the States. (12 marks)

Question 2:

Penny has recently retired after working as a lawyer for 30 years. However, to keep herself active and also to earn some money for holidays she is planning to sell cup-cakes at the Farmers Market held in her locality every Saturday. Penny inherited a unique recipe for cakes from her grandmother and believes her cakes will be a hit in the market. Penny is looking forward to a relatively quiet lifestyle aims to minimise paperwork or legal complexities.

Advise penny of the most appropriate business structure explaining the reasons. (8 marks)

Marking criteria:

Assessment criteria are shown in the following table. Marks are allocated as follows:

Assessment criteria to be met

and assessed

Detailed Description of the Assessment Criteria Weighting
Criteria 1 Ability to demonstrate an integrated understanding, analysis and the significance of application of the Australian Legal System and

various business structures.

Criteria 2 Ability to undertake research, demonstrate originality of ideas, innovation and legal analysis skills 30%
Criteria 3 Ability to communicate and present in a professional manner with

accurate and appropriate language

Criteria 4 Ability to demonstrate proper referencing 10%
Total   100%

Using Technology for Assessment

Rationale Activities Technological tools selected
·         Research skills


·         feedback on performance

·         practice of critical thinking

·         teamwork

·         Analytical and problem solving

·         check for plagiarism

·         problem-based learning

·         assessment of team work

·         collaborative writing

·         professional and academic

·         creative and practical solutions

·         group discussions

·         facilitated learning

·         independent learning and development

·         online forum, and chats on Moodle


·         Turnitin

·         Group presentation on ZOOM

·         Group discussion in ZOOM breakout rooms

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