LifeStraw Water Filtering - Essay Help

LifeStraw is a water filtering product that converts contaminated water into clean and safe water for human consumption. The lifeStraw is an easy-to-use product from Vestergaard a global health company which helps people without clean and safe drinking water to have access to this essential element. The Vestergaard Company is dedicated to improving the life of vulnerable people in the world by promoting a healthy lifestyle with a focus on the provision of safe drinking water (Vestergaard, 2014). LifetSraw is a game-changing solution that helps fight water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea. More than 780 million people do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Vulnerable groups such as children, people with HIV/AIDS and pregnant mothers are at an increased risk of disease. However, LifeStraw® water filter avert cryptosporidiosis which is a major cause of diarrheal. Vestergaard provides LifeStraw water filter in different sizes to meet the needs of diverse populations. These products include LifeStraw® Family 1.0, LifeStraw® Family 2.0, LifeStraw® Community, LifeStraw®Guineqa Worm Filter, LifeStraw®, and LifeStraw® steel among others (Vestergaard, 2019). Each of the products has its specific use ranging from household and individual use to community-level usages.

Vestergaard uses a humanitarian entrepreneurship business model to conduct good business. It describes itself as a social good company with a retail program to illustrate that it prioritises social welfare. This is evident in its business activities that focus on improving community health through products that prevent diseases. For example, LifeStraw ensures people have access to clean and safe drinking water while insecticidal bed nets to protect people against malaria-causing mosquitoes. The company operates in a competitive business environment given the availability of bottled water. However, it has a competitive advantage in that the product is not a one-use commodity like the substitutes. Therefore, it has an opportunity of gaining prominence among travellers and households without access to clean and safe drinking water. The corporate social responsibility of the company targets vulnerable communities in developing countries (LifeStraw, 2018). In partnership with the Carter Centre, the company initiated a program to supply personal LifeStraw to eradicate bacteria and parasites for people in emergency relief situations.

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