Children are more likely to be successful in different walks of life at a later stage if they experience high-quality early education (Davis et a., 2015). It has been recognized by researches, policy makers and practitioners that first three years are distinct developmental period and involves rapid brain development, increased responsiveness to environmental variation, reliance on relationship with adults and best opportunity to have a long-term impact on future outcomes with respect to range of developmental areas (Nyland et al., 2017). Sensory and multisensory stimulations are found to contribute significantly in learning process of the infants and toddlers who are normal (Dionne-Dostie et al., 2015). The report analyzes the education and care in infants and toddlers at local and global level. The report then discusses the issue of using sensory and multisensory stimulation for infants with hearing impairments.
Education and Care in Infants and Toddler
Some of the developments in the first three years include language development, social interactions and physical progress (Pang, 2012). As per the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework for Ages Birth to Five, Experiences in life’s first three years have strong impact on development of brain and learning (Farquhar & White, 2013). It is considered to be the foundation of health development and effective outcomes in preschool years and life ahead. In Australia, the care and education programs have a shared regulatory approach and are included under the National Quality Framework (NQF) (Nyland et al., 2017). Infant/toddler education and care in Australia is carried out in different locations and long day care is one of the widely used. LDC centers take care of children birth-6 and receive government funds for both private and community based. One of the central parts of the quality framework is development of curriculum document, which is Belonging, Being and Becoming: The early years framework for Australia. According to a research educator in Australia, have different opinion and attitudes towards teaching children when they are infant/toddler and when they are in preschool years (Nyland et al., 2017). The preschool programs either were stand-alone or delivered in LDCs and required a qualified teacher with a degree to design educational process whereas the programs for children under 3 were designed by teachers with certificate qualification as the main focus was on caring (Davis et a., 2015). In the new framework, the scholars who wrote the national curriculum development have highlighted the workforce policy recommendations for children under the age of three and emphasize on having foundational credential like Certificate 111 to enable educators to take responsibility of not just caring infants but also their learning (Nyland et al., 2017). In China, as well significant recent initiatives have been made under Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) wherein Kindergarten Teacher Professional Standards are documented and around 62 areas where competence and knowledge is required for educators to ensure that the children are not just taken care of but are also taught basic things for early brain development (Li, & Chen, 2017). It has been mentioned in the reform that Chinese early childhood education should include characteristics that relate to their social, historical and cultural context. In most of the nations, early childhood curriculum documents emphasizes on relationships are core of teaching and learning (Pang, 2012).
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