The following coursework will discuss the language and importance of learning additional languages. Few questions will be discussed in this coursework to describe language, and how additional languages can be learned.
What is Language?
A language is a tool for communication, exchange of knowledge, beliefs and feelings. We, humans, need language to communicate with each other and express our feelings (Santana, 2016). We become able to send and receive communication through sounds, symbols and gestures. According to Crystal and Robins (2019), languages have different functions such as communication, play, emotional release and imaginative expressions. Language comprises of thousands of signs that are combinations of forms and meanings. Language differs from country to country, and culture to culture. In every culture, a contextual language is used to express universal feelings differently (Nordquist, 2019). Crystal and Robins (2019) explained that human learn and respond to language from our early childhood.
How is an additional language learned?
It is commonly believed that the people readily learn another language and that comes naturally to them. Certainly, this is not true in all cases. From our childhood, we had been nurtured and brought up in a particular language that deep root to us, but learning a second language might not be easy for every other individual (McCaul, 2016). It is often observed that when students start to learn a new or second language, some of them quickly soak up the knowledge than the rest. However, this clarifies that learning a new language or any skill is not just the natural ability but there are few factors that influence language learning (Miller, 2018).
Learning additional language sound easy, but requires motivation and support at every level. If a person tries to learn another language under pressure, he/she might not learn as good as a person who is motivated to learn the language. A person should also have support from family so that practising new language never stops. Moreover, there are various factors that influence learning such as prior linguistic knowledge and the learning environment itself. Once a person gets to hold on comprehending the language, learning a second language becomes easier for them (Miller, 2018).
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