Exam 2 Extra Credit 1.Which land description method is describing this particular land interest? Beginning at a point on the south side of Bully Street, 100 feet east from the corner formed by the intersection of the south side of Bully Street and the east side of Cowbell Street, then proceeding south parallel to the east side of Cowbell Street 100 feet; then proceeding east parallel to the south side of Bully Street 50 feet; then proceeding north parallel to the east side of Cowbell Street 100 feet to the south side of Bully Street; and then proceeding west on the south side of Bully Street; 50 feet or to the beginning point. Metes and Bounds 2.Hank and Isabelle are engaged, but have not set a wedding date yet. Isabelle buys a home at 123 Smith Street and lives there for 6 months. Isabelle pays all utilities, mortgage, and taxes on the property. After 6 months, Isabelle asks Hank to move in. Hank moves in, and begins paying half of the mortgage, utilities, and taxes on the property with Isabelle. Hank and Isabelle live together for three years at 123 Smith Street. Before the wedding date, Hank and Isabelle hit some rocky times, and Hank throws Isabelle out of the house located on 123 Smith Street. Isabelle comes to you, her attorney, and asks whether Hank can do this. Specifically, Isabelle wants to know what Hank's rights are to the property located at 123 Smith Avenue. Does Hank have any legal ownership to this property? No 3._________________________________ are the major east-west guidelines used in the Government Survey land description method. Baselines 4.Jake buys a home located at 456 Jones Road in 2012. This home is his primary residence. Jake also opens up a savings account in his own name, and deposits $5,000.00 into the account. Jake meets Kelly in 2013 and falls in love with her. Jake asks Kelly to marry him in May, 2014, and in June, 2014, Jake asks Kelly to move in with him at 456 Jones Road prior to their wedding date. Kelly accepts, and on August 1, 2014, moves in with Jake after Kelly's apartment lease ends. On November 1, 2014, Jake and Kelly marry. In January, 2015, Jake buys a condo located on a beach at 789 Frontage Road. Kelly did not contribute any money towards buying this condo. Jake and Kelly use this condo sometimes as a vacation home. In February, 2015, Kelly wants to buy a new car. She knows Jake has $5,000.00 in a savings account he started in 2012 before he met her. Kelly asks for the $5,000.00 to put towards the car, and Jake says no. Jake and Kelly then question their love for each other and start seeing other people. As of August 1, 2014, is the home located at 456 Jones Road considered community property?
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