l T-Mobile LTE * 44%. " 11:40 AM ilearn.ucr.edu Maximum peints to be earned: 40 L. (26 points in total) The Government of Yoluku considers applying one of the following policies: a tax or a standaed, in oeder to reduce pollution level from P to Po The governmen economist drew the following graph, representing the morginal abatement cost MAC) to the pollaters, the marginal damage to the society (MD), the optimal tax level (Tax level) and the socially optimal pollution level (Po). ENSCOOS 2012 HWSa1 Pollution Polution level 1.1 (2 points) What is the total abatement cost to the polluter under the tax policy? b, B 1.2 (2 points) What is the total abatement cost to the polluter under the standard policy? a. A b. B d. A B-C 13 (2 points) What is the total damage cost under the tax policy? a. A b. B C A-B d. A+B-c 14 (2 points) What is the total damage cost under the standard policy?
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