Assignment 3: Literature Review
Type: In-Semester, Group Assignment
Task Length: Only active group members are counted:
- 4-member group: 2,000 words +/- 10%
- 3-member group: 1,500 words +/- 10%
- 5-member group: 2,500 words +/- 10%
- 2-member group: 1,000 words +/- 10%
- 1-member group: 1,000 words +/- 10% Reference list *not* counted toward the word
Description: An important aspect of ICT research is being able to search for and critically review the published literature related to the research topic to identify research gaps in order to formulate a research question. This assignment will require student groups to demonstrate their understanding and skills in this area.
Objectives of Assignment:
- To effectively search for different literature available for the chosen research problem area;
- To analyse the literature with an evaluation of relevance to the research, using critical thinking;
- To develop skills in academic writing to communicate the findings of the literature
Students will form a group of 3 or 4 to complete this assignment. All members in the group must be in the same tutorial session. It is every student’s responsibility to find themselves a group.
- Provide evidence of findings of the literature highlighting important points across a range of relevant
- Provide evidence of analysis and synthesis using critical thinking by evaluating the strengths/weaknesses or/and similarities/differences of the relevant bodies of
- Highlight clearly the research
- Formulate ONE research question based on a clear argument and appropriate justification from reviewing the
- Include appropriate in-text referencing based on the Harvard Method of
- You SHOULD NOT include any references in the reference list that you have not used in-text.
Process Guidelines:
- Identify an ICT research topic that your group are interested
- Search for literature that seem relevant to the topic.
- 20-25 references (4-member team), 15-20 references (3-member team), 10-15 references (2 & 1 member team)
- (Skim) Read through all the literature you found and organise the articles by sorting the literature based on their findings and its relevance to the topic.
- Define your research problem (within a domain knowledge) – note this may involve iterative search, as most likely, the initial findings do not provide a well-defined scope of
- Select approximately 70% of the papers from the literature search that are considered as significantly relevant to the focus of the defined research
- Comprehensively review each of the selected papers using critical thinking skills to determine:
- Identifying: What does the paper communicate (key findings)? How do the findings relevant to the chosen research problem?
- Analysing Arguments: How does the paper form its arguments/outputs/claims? Are the claims supported by the findings?
- Analysing Methodologies: What are the chosen methodologies? Is it logical that the methodology was designed or chosen? Are there benefits/limitations of the chosen methodology?
- Analysing Evidence: Were the evidence gathered properly? Is there sufficient logical evidence to support the arguments? Is there an evidence of bias? Is there any other type of evidence that might be missing?
- Analyse similarities and differences across different papers and
- Narrow down your research problem (topic), based on your group’s preferred perspective on the findings of the review and
- Extract the detail of the comprehensive review that are relevant to the narrowed research
- Identify the research gaps from the extracted detailed review. Please note that the identification of the research gaps must not be assumed but persuasively demonstrated through the arguments that you make from the review of the
- Formulate a research question based on the gaps that you have identified.
The PDF report should have the following format: title, table of contents, page numbering, introduction/conclusion, appropriate headings and subheadings with Harvard style of referencing.
Peer and self-evaluation:
Peer and self-evaluation will be conducted after the assignment has been submitted. Students will evaluate each group member’s contribution for the assignment as well as perform a self-assessment. The tutor of the group’s tutorial session will make notes and observation during Week 9 and Week 11. Each student will be awarded individual marks for the assignment based on the results obtained from the peer and self- evaluation process, mediated by the tutor’s observation notes.
Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.
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