ITECH1001 Communications and Technology - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Individual Report

Course Objectives

The assessment tasks specified in this document address a number of the objectives of this course; these being:

  • use a range of effective communication strategies;
  • deliver effective oral presentations to an audience;
  • write professional letters, memos and reports using correct grammar and spelling;
  • work independently and in teams; and
  • adapt a communication strategy to suit the audience.


Choose one topic from the following list:

  1. Augmented Reality: A New Way of Online Shopping. Large online stores start implementing AR technologies to let people feel and see how their products may feel. Will this technology occupy the market in the nearest future?
  2. Examine the role of technologies in your own life: to what extent you are dependent on them, can you give up using?
  3. Home Technologies of the Future. The Internet of Things is entering the mass market. Can you predict how our homes will look like in the future?

Individual Report


In many situations of your future work life, you could be required to do some fact-finding or an investigation into a specific topic given to you by your line-manager. This assignment is to mimic such a task, to develop skills in researching a chosen subject, gathering information, summarising it, and presenting your educated points of view concerning the investigation. Depending on your chosen task you may have to make an informed recommendation of which product or solution is preferred.


This is an individual piece of work. You are required to complete a report on your chosen subject. The

report should be between 1000 and 1500 words long and should include the main ideas and concepts in the

field, including appropriate referencing. Marks will be awarded for completeness and presentation of the submission, for currency and relevance of discussion, correct use of paraphrasing and referencing and English expression, grammar and spelling.

The final submission should include the following:

  • title page giving the student name and chosen topic
  • table of contents
  • A table of figures/graphs/illustrations etc (if required)
  • The introduction to the overall report
  • mind map on the topic that you have chosen. The mind map will be basis for your report. 
  • Main body of the report detailing concepts and ideas. This will contain material summarised from the references that you have read, correctly citing those references.
  • time estimation The time estimation is based on the exercise in Tutorial 1, on the estimated time to complete the tasks and how long the tasks actually took.
  • conclusion to the overall report
  • A full reference list in APA format.

Submission Requirements:

You are required to submit a single document that includes the above tasks. All submissions for this course are via the submission boxes in the Assessment section of the Moodle shell for the course.  In addition, the report should be submitted via the Turnitin submission box in the Assessment section of the Moodle shell.

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