SPED 5023 - Presentation Notes Module 1 - Introduction to Assessment Presentation n#1 - Historical Perspective Assessment in Process Assessment The process used to determine a child's specific strengths and needs and whether or not a child is eligible for special services National Association of Special Education Teachers Not simply giving a test and making a determination based on scores Involves a process Information gain provides us with a picture of the whole child History of Special Education Prior to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in 1965: Children with disabilities were: Not educated in school Educated in expensive private facilities paid for by their families President John F. Kennedy appointed a presidential panel to investigate mental retardation* in 1961 The term "mental retardation" is no longer used and has officially been replaced with the term "intellectual disability" Elementary and secondary Education Act President Lyndon B. Johnson signed ESEA into law in 1965 Provides federal funding for primary education Established research centers to student different types of disabilities Even with its passage, relatively few children with disabilities received a free and appropriate education Amended ESEA In 1966, congress: Amended the ESEA "established the Bureau of Education of the Handicapped and the National Advisory Council for the benefit of students with disabilities" UOM, n.d., p.1 Added Title VI It was the 1966 Amended Elementary and Secondary Education Act which would one day be used as the cornerstone of the No Child Left Behind Act Education of All Handicapped Children Act Zero rejection Free and appropriate public education Nondiscriminatory identification/evaluation of students The development of an IEP Education in the LRE Due process Parental participation Other Stipulations Evaluations need to be conducted by a multidisciplinary team The testing materials, procedures, processes, and administration must be free of racial or cultural bias Testing materials must be valid for the purpose for which they are being used Assessments are to be administered by trained personnel There must be multiple measures/processes for disability determination Tests should be given in the child's native language, and Reports are to be written in the native language of the parent IDEA In 1990, congress reauthorized the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, calling it the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA 2004 Emphasizes accountability and outcomes Focuses on reading, early intervention, programming to meet the needs of the child, research-based instruction, and highly qualified special education teachers Ensures educational services for children with disabilities throughout the United States Provides guidance to states and public entities regarding early intervention, special education, and related services Part A Outlines the purpose of IDEA Defines the use of the document Part B Pertains to the education of children ages 3 to 21 FAPE, or the need for a free appropriate public education The identification of disability categories The requirement that re-evaluation occurs every 3 years The requirement for an IEP and requirement for goals, objectives, and methods to track progress Part C Pertains to the education of children ages birth through 2, including: The required evaluations The description and explanation of Family Service Plans The need for goals for children and families An explanation of in-home services Part D Lists resources and initiatives to improve special education, such as: Parent support centers Personnel requirements Guidelines for the allocation of funds No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Came into being in 2002 Required states to be cognizant of all students Created more accountability for all student success Required data to be broken down into subcategories Put sanctions into place for school failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Replaces the current national accountability stance Returns responsibility to state and school districts Focuses on the achievement of all students
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