Report Instructions
Word count 1500
Prepare a report about intervention effectiveness (from Module 2) and people’s experiences, beliefs or concerns on the issue (Module 3).
Read through the scenario below, then the tips and suggested schedule for preparing your report.
A sports association wishes to develop position statements on nutritional supplements for sports performance. They want to ensure that both safety and efficacy are addressed. The sporting association has allocated you the task of locating and appraising credible research articles and writing a report on the current evidence available for ONE of the following supplements: Tips: (1. focus mainly on the effect of the intervention (caffeine, beta alanine or beetroot juice) on sport performance and then discuss any safety matters supported with the references provided within your chosen RCT 2. I would suggest creating a PICO for this task that includes safety and efficacy. This should help to focus the search results that you're getting within MEDLINE or CINAHL.) Caffeine Beetroot juice B-Alanine ( this is my chosen topic) Once you have done this groundwork (Part A of the report), the association also wants you to investigate what is known about athletes’ experiences, beliefs and concerns about taking nutritional supplements. This question can be generalized to supplementation in a broader sense, it is not specific to the three supplements listed above. Write up your findings, this will form Part B of your report. |
We recommend you undertake the first section (Part A) of the project while working through Module 2:
Choose one of the three supplements (
Formulate an answerable research question and PICO chart
Design and conduct a search of relevant databases
Select 1 relevant randomized controlled trial (preferably one that has been published within 5 years). Critically appraise the article using the CASP Checklist
Write the first section of the report (report criteria listed below)
PART B (Part B can be on any nutritional supplements for athletes.)
Complete Part B of this task while you are working through Module 3:
Formulate an answerable question
Design and conduct a search of relevant databases for relevant qualitative research
Select 1 relevant qualitative article
Critically appraise the article using the CASP Checklist
Write the second section of the report (report criteria listed below)
You are unlikely to locate qualitative research that includes your specific supplement, so you will need to keep your question quite broad, that is, about supplements generally.
Assignment Structure
Organize your report using the following sections and headings - the smaller dot-points are a guide to what should be included.
Write your report using essay format with in-text references included.
Part A: The intervention effectiveness of your chosen supplement.
- A brief background to your question (explain what is your question is , explain why is ur question is important? And what kind of research is done for based on that question?...few sentences such as I found this systemic review have looked at that x y z, this is why this is important and this is my question.)
Search strategy
- Provide a PICO table with keywords (truncators, wildcards as appropriate)
- State what databases were searched
- Justify article selection ( why you chose to appraise the particular RCT)
Critical Appraisal
- Quality, results and relevant data from chosen study ( with CASP checklist, use type of bias , any issues with validity? Talk about study’s strength and weakness, include the results, talk about the study, how good it is , is it high quality study or any issues? Or this should not be applied to particular population)
Application to the scenario
- Synthesis and interpretation
- Assess the overall effectiveness of the intervention
- Recommendation to sporting association
Part B: The experiences, beliefs and concerns of sporting professionals or athletes regarding consumption of nutritional supplements.
- A brief background to your question
Search strategy
- Provide a table (use PICO, PIER or SPICE) with keywords (truncators, wildcards as appropriate
- State what databases were searched
- Justify article selection
Critical Appraisal
- Quality, results and relevant data from chosen study
- Application to the scenario
- Synthesis and interpretation
- Assess the overall qualitative reports of experiences, beliefs and concerns on the consumption of nutritional supplements in athlete
Recommendation to sporting association (should sporting association use it or not? Explain with justification (most of the no) based on supporting evidence)
References (minimum of 7 references)
APPENDIX should have below :
CASP Checklists for Part A ( link Is given below)
CASP Checklists for Part B ( link is given below for qualitative study)
Note: Although the sections of Part One and Part Two are set out similarly, you will be reporting on different outcomes each of these sections. The sections should contain different concepts, information and evidence based on the scenario(s) given.
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