Information Security
The objective of this study is to evaluate the varying circumstances and understand the design of Automatic teller Machines in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The aspect of cybersecurity and the probability for decoding the PIN of the customer’s card is also required to be assessed so that outcomes can be assessed and evaluated. Bio-metric authentication is also a newly adopted practice which makes the transaction easier to be executed and enables allocation of the false positive and false negative rates. The transposition process is also discussed which enables understanding the encryption of text through which the ciphertext can be decoded and assessed (Peltier, 2016). All these are structured as a set of example through which the security goals of an organization are assessed connecting with the concepts of cryptographic algorithms. The computer programs are required to be developed which allows controlling malicious activities enabling assessment of security measures and policies.
Question # 1: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability Requirements
The issues associated with ATM security have been increasing with the increasing usage of ATM-based transactions. The security measures which have been taken by the concerned authorities’ aims at preparing remedial measures using which the aspects of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are all addressed (Safa, Solms & Furnell, 2016). These are essential for protecting the critical information of the customers and safeguarding the information breach threats if any. The focus of the measures which are developed aim at preparing the systems which are a threat to the networks aiming towards rectification of possibility of eavesdropping, spoofing, service denial, stealing and traffic analysis which are happening at the ATM locations (Soomro, Shah & Ahmed, 2016). The perspective of these measures is developing strong procedures through which measures can be taken for remedying the threats associated to authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation issues using which full-proof security systems can be devised (Safa et al., 2015). The critical aspects of the ATM Security are towards preparing a system which is created using elements of confidentiality, data integrity, accountability and availability of information.
The main objective of crafting the security system is developed through establishing principle function is developed through verification of identities, authorization, protection of confidentiality, protection of data integrity, strong accountability, activities logging, audit, security recovery and security management of the customers which shall be developed using the CIA Triad. The CIA Triad is a triangle designed which addressed the areas of confidentiality of the customers, integrity of the customer and availability of information of the customers when a certain form of information is required (Lee et al., 2017). All the requirements of the CIA Triad are essential for the security aspects of the system because the information of the customers of the bank is highly sensitive. The threats which are imposed on the customers are mainly related to information sharing which can result in a threat to critical personal information of the customers (McCormac et al., 2017). The data sharing and breach of personal information is the biggest threat which needs to be rectified while evaluating the security aspects of an ATM.
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