INF20016 Big Data Management - Learning Activity 1

Assignment Help on INF20016 COVIDSafe App Analysis

Word/time limit: 1000 (+/- 10%)

Weighting: 10%

Due date: Due 5pm AEDT Monday 28 March 2022 (Week 3)

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Assignment Details

In response to the COVID19 virus, the Australian government has developed a mobile application called the COVIDSafe App. 

Step 1: Watch the following video.

COVIDSafe app - How does it work? (2020) <>

Step 2: Go to the main government website and read the purpose, requirements and how the app works at CovidSafe App (Links to an external site.) (Department of Health 2020). Then research anything else you think you might need to know in order to complete step 3. 

Having read the website details, watched the video, and conducted any further research you need to, you are now ready to start writing.

Step 3: Write:

  • 200–300 words outlining the purpose of the app, benefits to the user, public and government
  • 100–200 words describing how the app works (technically)
  • 200–300 words identifying three main issues, limitations or failings of the app by extending your research beyond the government website.

Step 4: Make sure you reference your sources correctly in Swinburne Harvard style.

Supporting resources 

The following will assist you with completing this assignment:  

  • COVIDSafe app - How does it work?(Links to an external site.) (Australian Government Department of Health 2020).
  • CovidSafe App(Links to an external site.) (Department of Health 2020).
  • The Swinburne Harvard referencing guide (Links to an external site.) will help you with referencing.
  • Review the 'Referencing' and 'Plagiarism' sections of Academic practice(Links to an external site.) to assist you in understanding why appropriate referencing is important.
  • Assignment support.

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