Individual Reflection - Team-on –Team Review - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Individual Reflection Based on The Team-on- Team Review


During project outline presentations in week 1 you will be asked to critique another team’s project outline content and presentation and provide constructive feedback (Team-on –Team Review) that each team member will be able to utilise for their individual reflection piece .

Another team will undertake the same task for your team project outline and presentation.

Assessment 2 requires YOU to complete an individual reflection based on the Team-on- Team review (feedback) provided to your team. The word limit for the reflection is 750 words and should address the criterion in the marking matrix for Assessment 2. You will need to provide academic references to support your reflection and proposed actions.

The articles below should assist you in preparing Assessment 2. You are also encouraged to do your own research.

  1. Li, L, Liu, X & Steckelberg, A L “Assessor or assessee: How student learning improves by giving and receiving peer feedback’. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 525-536.
  2. Woodward, Gary ,2015 ‘Peer review in the classroom: Is it beneficial?’, Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. Vol. 23 Issue 1, p40-46. 7
  3. Signorini, Adriana 2014,’ Involving Undergraduates in Assessment: Assisting Peers to Provide Constructive Feedback’ Assessment Update, 26 Issue 6, p3-13

Brtuus Stephanie, Donna Magda, Ronen, Sigalit 2103, ‘Can Business Students Learn to Evaluate Better? Evidence From Repeated Exposure to a Peer- Evaluation System’ .Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 12

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