Assignment 1 FEEDBACK INTRODUCTION: The performance of most candidates was fair. This is so particularly not good for assignments where candidates are expected to consult their books and score well. Candidates failed to read properly the questions requirement which were very specific on key words orand therefore were lost in their explanation. Question one was general information which were easily obtainable from any text on auditing. It is sad to see students not taking their assignments seriously after situation where some students failed even to attempt the questions. In a few cases, students were answering questions which they did not understand. It is important to understand the subject matter of each question before attempting to answer. Question two was based on the code of professional code of conduct. It is generally poorly done. Students did not spend sufficient times to understand the key issues for discussions leading to many pointless and irrelevant explanations At the end of this feedback letter, I have attached the last examination and test papers for your necessary information and action. The two assignments were core syllabus areas and candidates will be expected to take such areas of the syllabus with more seriousness. However, it encouraging noting that several students did extremely well scoring 20 out of 20 on question 1, well done those who did their part. The following are few matters which came to my attention during marking i.Failing to read the question requirement clearly and therefore providing irrelevant answers which scored few if any marks. Candidates must remember to answer the question asked and not the question they wish had been asked. 1
ii.Failure to fully understand the requirement verbs such as "describe", or "explain" and hence not providing sufficient depth to their answers. This was particularly the case for Question 2. iii.Providing more than the required number of points or write up than necessary especially in question 1. Students should use the marks allocation as a guide to the required quantity of information i.e. do not answer a full page for 2 marks iv.Poor layout of answers, including not following the motions particularly in question 1. v.Another important point is laying out the discussion flow and your thought process to avoid moving back and forth in your discussions. This resulted in most candidate repeating themselves in question 1
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