Kayleigh Bryant CJ 140 Module Three Practice Activity FormWhat type of form is this?Purpose of FormWhen would you fill out this form? (Forexample, what type of situation wouldcall for using this form?)Importance of FormWhy is this form important? What isthis form supposed to do or trigger?Potential Consequences What are the potential consequences of not completing this form or not including all necessary information on this form? Suspect/Arrest SupplementAttached to and filed with the policereport, it is the collection of informationfor police investigations when additionalinformation is brought forward after the initial report had been filed. Victims or witnesses usually comeforward with information that isincluded in a supplementary report.Loss of important information on a case; possible punishment for tampering with evidence. Complaint WitnessSupplementAttached to the complaint form that isfiled against the plaintiff; records thewitnesses in the case.Helps the authorities identify theperson who may need to be summonedduring the trial.Complaint forms usually begin a case, without it there would not be a case to begin with. Employee's Report of InjuryFormThis form is used for an employee toreport an injury, illness or near miss.Documentations of injuries areimportant for future references in theworkplace.Failure to document injuries can lead to future lawsuits , loss of employees, and OSHA violations. Incident ReportThis form reports broad incidents anddetails including the offender(s), victims,narrative, and all the informationregarding the case.Has details of the incidents that areused to define and prove that there wasan incident and all the personnelinvolved.Incident reports are to be filled out immediately, usually on the scene or shortly after; without it there is no case to begin with. Incident Investigation FormThis form is for after an incident thatresulted in a serious injury or illness.This form enables employers andworkers to identify and implement thecorrective actions necessary to preventfuture incidents.Failure to complete this form could lead to termination, and could even expose you to liability, especially in cases of patient injuries.
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