One significant aspect that distinguishes private sector organizations from public sector organizations is that there processes as well as practices do not remain static. They constantly keep on changing and evolving. Hence, change management has a crucial place in private sector. However, so far, very little research has been done on the importance of change management in private sector.
The current paper therefore aims to fill in this gap. The rationale is that change management is an essential component of private sector business activity. That is why it is important that managers adopt a change management technique which will make the entire process smooth and effective. It is often difficult to incorporate change in an organization, especially if done in a haphazard manner. Employees, in particular, are hesitant to adopt new practices (Piderit, 2000). Nevertheless, this process can become easier for the management as well as the employees if done systematically.
According to Rune Todmen (2005), “Change management has been defined as the process of continually renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers” (p.369). Customers are given a high value in private sector organizations. Without satisfying the customers, these organizations cannot flourish. That is why change management has such an important role to play in the private sector.
Efficiency is one of the most important things for businesses operating in the private sector. Effective implementation of change management can help in increasing the efficiency of a business. If a change has been fully incorporated into the business practice, it will make the business more efficient. For instance, if a private sector organization has recently shifted to Oracle and all the relevant staff members learn to use it to perfection, then the efficiency of the business will increase. Resultantly, the business will be able to deliver better service to its customers.
One way in which change in business practices can easily be administered is by taking the employees in loop. Initially, the managers should brief the employees regarding the importance of the proposed change. The managers need to explain the employees that the proposed change will not only be beneficial for the organization but also for the employees themselves. Once the employees have been convinced regarding the importance of the proposed change, they will themselves willingly try to implement change. This will make the transition from older code of conduct to new code of conduct smooth and easy. Eventually, the organization will profit as lesser resources and time will be spent in implementing the change.
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