1.1 Background and Reason
Industrial companies are generally not at the forefront when it comes to adopting new channels of marketing communications. However, in today’s competitive world, fragmentation of media platform and escalating concerns of stakeholders have pushed the managers in industrial firms to redesign their marketing communication process (Karjaluoto, Mustonen, & Ulkuniemi, 2015). Every industrial company now days face the critical question of how to reap maximum benefits out of its marketing communication process (Singh & Koshy, 2011).
Digital marketing communication (DMC) has recently attracted the interests of leading academics and practitioners as it has become profitable for firms to produce an effective DMC process for achieving its targets. Several previous studies have identified the issues related to DMC and conducted research on how currently firms are using DM channels for targeting its customers. However, there is a research gap found as few studies have been done on examining the role of digital marketing channels and the role these play in industrial marketing communication (Wymbs, 2011).
This research will focus on determining what actions the industrial firms have taken for increasing their use of digital marketing tools in their current marketing communication process along with the challenges and impacts that digital communication have on the marketing process of industrial firms. In addition, searching for gaps identified in industrial firm’s research, this research will provide recommendations on how DM tools can be effectively used by industrial firms to improve its communication process.
1.2 Research Questions
Based on the identified gaps above, the following research questions have been formulated.
RQ1: What are the objectives of industrial firms to have DMC?
RQ2: To what extent do the industrial firms adopt DMC?
RQ3: What is the impact of DM on marketing communication process of industrial firms?
RQ4: What challenges does the DMC present for the overall industrial marketing?
1.3 Brief Literature
- Use of DM for creating targeted communication process
- Objectives and tools of DMC in industrial firms.
- Role of interactive media in improving effectiveness of marketing communications.
- Interactive marketing and DM tools used by industrial firms.
Following studies will be reviewed in particular Singh & Koshyb (2011), Wymbs (2011), Bodnar & Cohen (2012), Michaelidou et al. (2011), Jarvinen et al. (2012) and Mulhern (2009).
1.4 Limitations
This research is prone to following limitations.
- Limited prior research studies available
- Limited sample size
- Limited budget and time
1.5 Time Horizon
The following Gantt Chart shows our anticipated timeline, subject to change depending upon the feedback on overall research plan.
Task | Start Date | # Days Required |
Prepare Research Plan | 3/30/19 | 30 |
Research Related Literature | 4/10/19 | 10 |
Feedback and Adjustment of Plan | 4/15/19 | 5 |
Finalizing Research Questions | 4/19/19 | 4 |
Extract Evidences | 4/28/19 | 9 |
Submission for Feedback | 5/5/19 | 6 |
Population, Sample and Measures | 5/15/19 | 10 |
Survey Questions | 5/20/19 | 5 |
Final Report Preparation | 5/30/19 | 10 |
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