IEEE Xplore Database Assessment Task

Assignment Help on Literature Survey

You must familiarize yourself with the current literature published under the above topic. Therefore, you must first perform a literature survey. Publications can be accessed via UC Library’s A-Z Databases. A recommended database for this task is IEEE Xplore. If you have difficulties in remotely accessing the UC Library databases, please contact the library and they will be able to help you. If you are unable to access UC Library databases as recommended, Google Scholar may be an alternative option. However, not all documents from Google Scholar can be considered peer-reviewed publications from legitimate sources.Next(Task 2), you may proceed with the designing of your novel architecture.


Format: You need to submit a report and reference up to 8-10 peer-reviewed publications (preferably from 2015 onwards). It must have an approximate word count of 750/1000(UG/G) words (+/-10%). IEEE referencing format must be followed.

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