How to create an invoice in xero 1.Open and log into xero 2.Go to the contacts page, and check if the contact is already in xero (if they are skip to step 7 ) 3.Click create new contact 4.Fill in the details with the ones you were given 5.Then save the contact 6.Open the invoice page 7.Press Create new invoice 8.Type the customer's name into the contact box 9.Keep the date and due date as today's date 10. Upload the T&C's by dragging and dropping 11. When the T&C's are uploaded press attach to invoice 12. Add the stock number you have been given in the invoice request into the item column 13. In the description column, where there is a, delete the comma and press enter to put it on a new line 14. Use the first line of the description copy and past into the reference line and put the quantity before it (e.g. 1x Toilet / Shower) 15. Keep the quantity as 1 for all items except (fence panels, posts, barriers) 16. Add in the sale price exc GST 17. Change the account to one of the following (2013- Toowoomba in stock, 620- On order, 2013BS- Blacksoil in stock) 18. Add in any other details into the details column on a blank line (e.g. Collected date, processing fee ect) 19. Check the serial plates match in dropbox 20. Save the invoice 21. Open the stock database and mark as sold 22. Open the correct import sheet and fill in the (sold, customer details, date, invoice no, price and fees) columns 23. Email Brian, Emily and accounts and say that the invoice has been saved as invoice and marked off 24. Once the invoice has been approved go back to your invoice 25. Click email 26. Send it to the customer, accounts, matt and yard (+ will if it's a Blacksoil sale) 27. Change the message template to your own one 28. Send 29. Then print the invoice 30. Get the invoice off the printer 31. Stamp it and put in Bianca's trays or take it to Dave if paid
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