Word count: 1500-word written assessment (+/-10%) and 10-minute audio-visual presentation (equivalent to 1000 words).
Word count includes in-text references. Headings, subheadings and reference lists are not included in the word count.
There is no word count requirement for the presentation. If presentations are less than 9 minutes or more than 11 minutes in length, penalties may apply.
Assessment Purpose The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate knowledge and skills in identifying appropriate evidence and critically appraising that evidence relevant to your chosen topic (How do admitted adult patients experience nursing handover?). You will need to consider the findings from the appraisal within the broader evidence related to the topic, and contemplate how the findings might be applied to your practice or the setting you have identified.
The aim of the audio-visual presentation is to demonstrate your ability to provide an overview of the findings in the literature using lay terminology. Your primary objective is to provide clear, concise and correct information that answers a clinical question to a colleague (for example, as if you are presenting this information as part of an in-service or as a clinical discussion to a peer/colleague).
Learning Outcomes:
By successfully completing this assessment task, you will develop and demonstrate your ability to:
- Present a clinical question based on an identified clinical issue or problem
- Describe the results of a systematic search of electronic databases
- Critically appraise research using a relevant appraisal framework
- Explain complex concepts, both orally and in writing, when confronted with unfamiliar problems
- Apply information technology skills, including software systems
- Evaluate, synthesise and summarise research in health-related disciplines
- Seek, retrieve and evaluate information
- Think critically and analyse problems
- Communicate scientific knowledge through oral, written and web-based media.
Task Brief:
Part A – Written assessment (1500 words) Reference your sources in APA 7th style.
Using the research findings from a study that best addresses your clinical question, prepare and present a summary (no more than 1500 words) critically appraising the study using an appropriate critical appraisal tool.
Summarise a key study related to a clinical problem identified from practice and include the following:
- A descriptive title related to your topic
- A summary of the topic and a clear articulation of a clinical issue or problem
- A structured clinical question
- A PRISMA flow diagram to indicate how you identified six studiesthat best address your question. The link to an editable PRISMA flow diagram is https://prisma-statement.org//PRISMAStatement/FlowDiagram
- Select the ‘best’ study and provide a brief rationale for selecting this study. Please send me this study ASAP
- Provide a critical appraisal of the study’s internal and external validity, interpretation and discussion of the study’s results (interpret and discuss only the results relevant to your question).
- Discuss the application of the (one best) study’s results to the identified clinical issue or problem in practice.
Part B – Audiovisual presentation (10 minutes)
Prepare, record and upload a presentation, in which you:
- Introduce yourself, your topic of inquiry or clinical problem and your clinical question.
- Provide a slide with a table of the key characteristics of your six selected studies
- Give an overview of the strengths and weakness of the six studies in your table
- Provide a summary of the findings from the six studies and a discussion of the validity of these findings (identify the major issues of internal and external validity)
- Identify how the findings of these six studies address the clinical question and how they may be applied to a clinical practice setting
- Discuss the implications for practice and your recommendation for future research
- You should include a slide with a list of references used in the presentation.
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