Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
You need to answer the questions in the provided spaces briefly. Write your name and question number correctly.
You are required to circle the correct answer where there is multiple choice or true-false. You will get 60 minutes to complete this assessment. It is an open-book test. So, you can use the internet, textbooks, and other resources, if you require help. You must answer all the questions correctly.
What Do I Require to Complete This Assessment?
Essential study material.
Good connection of computer & internet, if you want to type the answers.
When Should I Do This Task?
Whether you do it in the classroom or at home, your assessor will decide it with a due date.
What Should I Do If I Get Something Wrong?
If you have answered any question incorrectly, you will get a chance to re-submit. Keep the assessor's feedback in mind and answer accordingly. For this, you will have two choices:
Write and submit the wrong answers.
Verbally answer the wrong questions.
Question 1.
Tick the correct answer. Which of the following is a hazard?
Tick That Are Hazard |
Stress |
Box lifting |
A stained back |
Showering the client |
Long working hours |
Working with clients in their homes |
Handling the workplace procedures manually |
What could be the outcomes if you do not follow your workplace’s policies and methods in the following fields correctly? Provide one consequence for each.
Risk management
Care programs
Manual handling
Using mobility devices
Using personal protecting tools
Compulsion alarm system
Emergency procedures
Incident procedures
Infection control
Question 2.
List out the 6 things that you would check when you are doing a fire safety check in a client’s home.
Question 3.
You may notice that a waste box has been left in the corridor again. You nearly tripped over a similar box last week and you moved it outside to the waste bin – where it should have been placed. Now, someone has repeated the same thing again!
Why is it essential for you to report this critical Hazard, rather than just moving it out to the bin, like you did the last time?
The residents at the nursing home have put in a complaint that the dining room is too cold. Management has now forbidden the use of air conditioners in the dining room.
Jenny is concerned that this makes the environment unsafe for the workers. The staff all get extremely hot while serving the meals. It is always a very busy time and they are running around getting the residents in place, serving meals, assisting with feeding, packing up the dishes and so on.
Jenny notices that some of the staff are getting uncomfortable lan had sweat pouring off him yesterday and Rebecca was bright red in the face.
By the end of mealtimes, they are all hot and bothered.
Question 4.
Fill out the following:
A) Standard Precautions
What are they and when should they be used?
What precautions should be taken?
B) Additional Precautions
What are they and when should they be used?
What precautions should be taken?
Question 5.
A client tells you that he is feeling unwell while you are on a home visit. He has stomach cramps, feels very nauseous, and has severe diarrhea.
He tells you he must have picked it up from his granddaughter who visited yesterday, as she was unwell when she was visiting and had to rush off to use her toilet.
What duties does he have towards the home visitor?
What infectious disease do you think he likely has?
Name the three things that should be done to decrease the chance of spreading to other people?
Why is this a risk for home visitor even though the client is in her own home?
Question 6.
List the three things that you do to remain up to date with safe work practices.
Safe Practice 1 |
Safe Practice 2 |
Safe Practice 3 |
Question 7.
After each situation, fill the table.
1st Scenario of Omar: He works in Home and Community Care in a rural area. In his job, he has to visit clients in their residences. Due to the vast services field, he spends several hours driving to different places to see his clients.
List two dangers (one must include injury to the musculoskeletal system)
List a control measure for each danger.
2nd Scenario of Kellie: She works to shift the clients with a disability to appointments, the shops, or other locations.
List two dangers
List a control measure for each danger.
Question 8.
How can this lifting method produce less strain on the musculoskeletal system than bending at the waist?
Question 9.
Jenny was injured at work while using a movable hoist to shift a disabled client. The damage occurred because she did not get any training on how to use the device. Her supervisor had told her to follow the manual's instructions, which she didn't find and decided to work it out herself.
Does the company show a duty of care to Jenny? Describe your answer.
Does Jenny meet her duty of care? Describe your answer.
Jenny works in Victoria and would like to know more about her WHS duties. Name the WHS authority that Jenny should reach.
Assessment Task 2: Case Studies
You need to read the case study and answer the following questions.
What do I require to complete this assessment?
Your textbooks and other learning materials
Good connection to a computer and the Internet
When to do this task?
Take your assessor's advice, whether you should do it in the classroom or as homework.
You should write this task within your due date as advised by your assessor.
Assessment Task 3: Project – WHS Inspection
You are required to use the provided risk assessment form and complete a work health and safety check.
What do I require to complete this assessment?
From your work placement service,
Hazard inspection policies and procedures
Hazard Inspection checklist
When should I do this task?
You will do this task during your work placement.
You should write this task within your due date as advised by your assessor.
Assessment Task 4: Project – Risk Assessment
You are required to use the provided form and complete your WHS risk assessment.
What do I require to complete this assessment?
You will need the hazard identification and risk assessment policies and procedures followed at your work placement service.
Documents for support
Risk assessment control form
Consequence table - risk assessment matrix
Control table hierarchy
When to do this task?
You are required to do this task at your work placement service.
Assessment Task 5: Workplace Observations
When to do this task?
You are required to do this task at your work placement service.
Write down the date of your assessor’s work placement visit.
Show your assessor that you can:
Safely clean up a blood spill - Read, understand, and follow procedures and guidelines.
- Safely dispose of contaminated waste - Read, understand, and follow procedures and guidelines.
- The risk to the client - Identity, report & record the risk.
- Safety problems- Raise as per the organizational procedure.
- Minimize risk - Contribute to the development of safe workplace procedures
What do I require to complete this assessment?
Your work placement service
Your work placement service’s infection control, emergency management, manual handling, and incident reporting policies and procedures
Access to WHS manual handling codes of practice
Access to National Infection Control Guidelines.
What do I require to complete this assessment?
- Access to the work placement service
- A chair
- A wheelchair
- A person who can play the role of the client (any colleague or assessor)
PART C Requirements to clean up the blood spill & control infection
What do I require to complete this assessment?
- Your work placement service
- Knowledge of the national infection control guidelines
- An area to demonstrate the blood spill clean-up with a blood spill kit
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