Health Promotion Essay Assignment

Essay Help on Health Promotion In Organisation

Essay 1800 words (+/-10%)


For this assessment you are required to choose an organisation with an interest in health promotion.

Then imagine that you have been requested by management to develop a summary paper that provides an overview of why the organisation should invest in health promotion and what types of initiatives would be most effective to address relevant issues. 

Preparation for the essay

Your essay should be addressed to your specific chosen organisation and structured as a memo or letter using relevant health promotion evidence, practice and examples to support your arguments.

Opposed to a report which often presents specific data or findings, essays analyse, evaluate and argue a certain idea/topic based on evidence. Typically, essays are mostly text-based, unlike reports which often present a table of contents, and utilise many figures and tables. These elements feature less in essays which tend to rely on the author to direct the reader through each section descriptively. You may still use headings and subheadings to help structure your report.

You must cite all of your sources using the Vancouver referencing style.

See the next section for information about how you should structure your report, including recommended sections. 

For full information about how this assessment will be marked, refer to the Assessment criteria and rubric later in this book.

Structuring your assessment

The following contains recommendations for the structure of your essay and areas you should address.

  • Overview of the organisation and current status of health promotion

Firstly, you need to research your chosen organisation, and provide a description of its purpose and role/how it functions. You should then report on the current status of health promotion in the organisation. 

  • Analysis of the benefits and limitations for the organisation to increase its focus on health promotion and future recommendations

You now need to propose a diverse range of benefits and limitations for the organisation to increase its focus on health promotion. It is important to acknowledge limitations (not just benefits) as realistically there will be some potential barriers that need to be considered. 

In your letter, it is then appropriate to provide recommendations on what types of interventions and strategies the organisation may want to consider implementing in the future, focusing on how this may benefit them. 

  • Application of relevant health promotion principles, values, actions/approaches and frameworks 

It is expected that you will consider a diverse range of appropriate health promotion principles, values, actions/approaches and frameworks in your proposal, including those covered in weeks 1-6.

  • Comparison with other relevant organisations

Convincing arguments are created through high quality evidence and examples of previous successes in the past. As such, you should provide the organisation with examples of other relevant organisations that apply health promotion principles and programs to further justify this investment.

  • Concluding remarks

Summarise your essay with concluding remarks that encompass what has just been presented. 

Questions to consider when approaching readings

The amount of reading that you are expected to do at university can be daunting. However, with some preparation and using critical reading techniques, you can learn to read effectively and efficiently. Answering the following questions of the readings will help you learn to read more effectively.

  • What is the main theme or point of the piece?
  • What aspects does the writer focus upon, and why?
  • What explanations or supportive evidence are drawn upon?
  • What assumptions are being made?
  • Do you find any of the ideas or information confusing or intriguing?
  • What conclusions might you draw from the piece, and are they necessarily the same as the writer's conclusions?

Your work will be graded according to the following criteria:

  1. Overview of the organisation and current status of health promotion
  2. Analysis of benefits and limitations and future recommendations
  3. Discussion of relevant health promotion principles, frameworks and evidence
  4. Comparison with other organisations
  5. Structure and presentation
  6. Referencing

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