Globalization is considered as multifaceted phenomenon and emergence of globalization has influenced news media in significant way, such news themes have also diversified based on multifaceted nature of globalization. The underlying report has focused on news media reportage in the context of globalization. The key focus has been maintained on three main research questions, which have formed the structure of literature review. Firstly, the focus is maintained on the dominant themes which are associated with news media reportage of globalization. Secondly, the focus is maintained on the aspects through which globalization has changes news media. Thirdly, the way of globalization reporting by Bangladeshi news media has been considered. In order to carry out investigation of research questions, reliance is maintained on valid academic sources of information.
Research Questions
The following research questions forms the basis of literature review;
- What are the dominant themes in news media reportage of globalization?
- How has the reporting in the news media changed as a result of globalization?
- How has the reporting in the Bangladeshi news media changed as a result of globalization?
Literature Review
What are the dominant themes in news media reportage of globalization?
Globalization can be considered as the compression of the world which has changed face of all activities, including communication and mass media. The news media has been largely influenced by the advent of globalization, as the term appeared in new media in 1990s (Kim & Weaver, 2003). The news media coverage and nature of frames used in media news have changed substantially over the years and researchers have framed these changes in two levels of agenda setting theory in new media (Marks, Kalaitzandonakes & Konduru, 2006). For instance, the first level has considered that volume and prominence of information covered in new media about globalization, will drive the attention of public more. On the other hand, later the second level of agenda setting has emerged, which has focused on ‘attributes’ of the news rather than its depth and volume. The attribute aspect in second level reporting has focused on two aspects of news; concrete information and affective attribute (negative or positive side of the news) (Nordenstreng, Horwitz & Hong, 2001). Based on these evidences, it is noted that new media coverage of globalization has changed over time and has captures the public attention and perceptions in different manner. ‘However, beyond an examination of changes in the media, it seems that little research has been conducted on the sources of news and the content of media messages about globalization’ (Sung Tae Kim & David H. Weaver, 2003, p. 121).
News media themes linked with globalization themes
It has been noted in the study of Rojecki (2005) that themes of news media reportage of globalization can be linked with themes of globalization. The globalization being multifaceted covers the business, politics, economics, sociological factors, poverty, culture, communication, sports and even terror aspects of the society (Ampuja, 2010). The media coverage of globalization also covers the divers end and multifaceted themes of globalization, such that public can be provided diverse and detailed information on all aspects of the globalized community. It has been mentioned in the study of Starr (2004) that economic, social, political and environmental issues make up the themes of news media reportage in the globalized environment. For instance, news media covers Olympic Games, political events and different social and cultural events. Even the terrorism coverage has also made up an important aspect of new media coverage, given the instance of 9/11 incident. Although, the researchers supports diverse themes of new media reportage, yet it has been argued by Marks, Kalaitzandonakes & Konduru (2006) that news reportage is influenced by westernization and thus new media is biased by western ideologies. Moreover, it has been noted by Crane, Kawashima & Kawasaki, (2016) that news media coverage of globalization aspects is heavily inclined on one side of the specific issue. For instance, the economic news mainly revolve around explaining the positive effects of globalization on world economy and they mainly remain ignorant of the risks associated with economic outlook of globalization (Sklair, 2000). This evidence highlights that in order to be more inclusive to all aspects of globalization and to choose frames of news based on compliance with specific regions, the new media needs to get rid of westernization bias.
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