Hands-On Assignment #5 (H5): Risk Assessment ACC 452 and BAN 752 In this assignment, you will create a personal risk assessment.The assessment will be based on theStrategic Themeof "Career Success".As discussed in class, a Strategic Theme is a key area in which an organization (or in this case, you) must excel in order to achieve its mission, vision and strategy. 1)Define your personalStrategic Resultof "Career Success".As we discussed, a Strategic Result is a description of the desired outcome.In other words, describe what "Career Success" means to you.Be as specific as possible. Example: If I wanted to be an airline pilot, my Strategic Result may be: "I am a successful pilot with one of the major US airlines, making six figures a year." (This example is carried forward for each step below) 2)Identify yourStrategic Objectives.These are the basic building blocks of strategy, and consist of action-oriented statements of what must be done to achieve your Strategic Result.Strategic Objectives are categorized withinPerspectives.Perspectives are the view of an organization (or in this case, you) from a specific vantage point.In the Balanced Scorecard, the Perspectives are based off of the traditional four: (1) Financial, (2) Customer, (3) Internal Business Process, and (4) Learning and Growth.For this assignment, identify at least two Strategic Objectives for each of the following three Perspectives (six in total): Skills and Knowledge -What skills and knowledge will you need to achieve your Strategic Result? oExample: "I will learn to fly a DC-10." Habits- What personal habits will you have to develop in order to achieve your Strategic Result? oExample: "I will spend most of my time studying in the library." Financial- What actions will you have to take in order to meet the financial demands of your Strategic Result? oExample: "I will take on a second job to pay my tuition." 3)IdentifyKey Performance Indicators (KPIs)that track progress toward your Strategic Objectives.KPIs provide a high-level overview of the performance of the organization. Identify at least one KPI for each of the Strategic Objectives identified in the previous steps (six in total). Example: For the Strategic Objective example in the "Skills and Knowledge" Perspective (in Step 2 above), I could use the KPI of "Number of hours practicing in flight simulator". 4)IdentifysevenRisksthat could disrupt the achievement of your Strategic Objectives.At least two risks must be identified for each Strategic Objective, and one additional can relate to any of your Strategic Objectives
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