Grammar Point Is Both Interesting & Useful - Assignment Solution

  1. Introduce & explain why going to grammar point is both interesting & useful

The term going is used in a phrase when someone is talking about the future, the form of the annotation entails three components:

 the verb to be associated to match the subject + going + the participle of the main verb (Cambridge Dictionary, 2019).

Going is mostly used to refer to any plan and goals or to make estimation on the bases of present evidence. Going is used as a part of the continuous tense of the verb ‘go’ with the definite idea of movement in comparison when going is a part of an indirect future structure ‘going to’ keeping in mind that a present continuous can really specify an action in the future for example ‘I am going to Australia’ is the same as ‘I am going to see Steve tomorrow’ also indicates an action in the future with the verb ‘see’(Education First, 2019). The annotation going to denotes any future occasions that advocate a very strong connection with the present. The time isn’t important but the way the sentence is said about a particular occasion is dependant upon the present (Education First, 2019). In short, going to is used when a person wants to go somewhere in the future and it is also used for different proofs or evidences like ‘I have a severe stomach and I think I am going to vomit’. When individuals speak, they choose the tense that they use while speaking. This is a significant aspect of the English language, as the tense people choose conveys more than just a modest detail. When someone is speaking about the future, the tense they choose can convey how they "see" the future, unexpectedly their emotions about the future. It surely conveys what they believe to be the possibility (the chance, the truth) of some occasion or either they have already determined to do it (English Club, 1997). In an ordinary debate, the grammar point is sometimes summarized to ‘gonna’ which is used in American English although it is not written.

For Example:

  • Is David going to buy a new bike soon?
  • Are Lidia and Chris going to visit Zurich when they are in Switzerland?

When going to is used for Intention

Going to annotation is used when people have the plan to do something before, they speak. They already have decided to speak. Below are the following examples:

  • He’s going to be a professional actor when he grows up
  • She’s going to buy a new house to live next week

In the above examples, every sentence had a plan before speaking. 

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