Assessment name: Take-home Test
Weight: 30%
Assignment due date: Week 7
Length: Maximum of 1,500 words
The mid-term test will be one-week take-home test, which covers Topics 1 to 5. The mid-term test contains a set of short answer questions and/or scenario-based questions. The release date of the take-home test and further instructions will be announced in Canvas in due course.
A Marking Rubric is provided.
- Assessment Task 1 is the take-home mid-term test. This is an open book test requiring short answers to questions based on Course topics in Week 1 to 5. Your answer may use a bullet point style to frame the answer.
- There is a total of 5 questions in this assessment. Each question is worth 20 marks for a total of 100 marks for the test. You must attempt an answer to all parts of each question.
- Each question will have 3 parts, Part a (4 marks), Part b (6 marks) and Part c (10 marks). The marks reflect the difficulty of the question and are a guide to the number of words to allocate to each part.
- Part a will ask for description, explanation or a demonstration of understanding of key issues introduced across Course topics in Week 1 to 5, inclusive. Part b will focus on application of knowledge and key skills that have been presented and/or discussed during the topic. Part c requires an evaluation of the topic material that might include a judgement or evaluation about an issue introduced in the question, development of an idea or a formulation of a future scenario for the issue.
- You are free to use any resource available in the topic material, additional material or other independent research
- The total word limit for your answers to the Assessment Task 1 is 1,500 words (Approximately 300 words per question). A 15-mark penalty will be applied for tests which exceed the total word limit by more than 10% (i.e. 1,700 words).
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