Give the ground-state electron configuration for silicon (Si) using noble-gas shorthand. Express ...


Give the ground-state electron configuration for s


Give the ground-state electron configuration for s


Give the ground-state electron configuration for s

Give the ground-state electron configuration for silicon (Si) using noble-gas shorthand. Express your answer in condensed form as a series of orbitals. For example, [Ar]4s23d8 would be entered as [Ar]4s 23d 8. Give the ground-state electron configuration for copper (Cu) using noble-gas shorthand. Express your answer in condensed form as a series of orbitals. For example, [Ar]4s23d8 would be entered as [Ar]4s 23d 8. The electron configuration can also be represented by writing the symbol for the occupied subshell and adding a superscript to indicate the number of electrons in that subshell. For example, consider a carbon atom having an atomic number of 6. The total number of electrons in a neutral carbon atom is 6. The electron configuration of the carbon atom represented by the orbital diagram is This electron configuration can be written as 1s2 2s2 2p2 where 1s, 2s. and 2p are the occupied subshells, and the superscript "2" is the number of electrons in each of these subshells. Use the rules for determining electron configurations to write the electron configuration for Ca. Express your answer in complete form in order of increasing orbital energy. For example, 1s2 2s2 should be entered as 1s 22s 2.

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