FORM 13-501F1 CLASS 1 REPORTING ISSUERS AND CLASS 3B REPORTING ISSUERS - PARTICIPATION FEE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION I,____________________, an officer of the reporting issuer noted below have examined this Form 13-501F1 (theForm) being submitted hereunder to the Alberta Securities Commission and certify that to my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the information provided in the Form is complete and accurate. __________________________________________________________________ Name:Date: Title: Reporting Issuer Name:End date of previous financial year:Type of Reporting Issuer:[] Class 1 reportingissuer[] Class 3B reporting issuer Highest Trading Marketplace:Market value of listed or quoted equity securities: Equity Symbol 1st Specified Trading Period(dd/mm/yy)_______________ to ______________ Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest tradingmarketplace$ ______________________ (i)Jeff Hoffmeister 845.4700 31/03/2022 01/01/2022SHOP Toronto Stock Exchange December 31, 2022 Shopify Inc. February 16, 2023 /s/ Jeff HoffmeisterJeff Hoffmeister Chief Financial Officer
Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day ofthe specified trading period________________________ (ii) Market value of class or series(i) x (ii)$ ______________________(A) 2nd Specified Trading Period(dd/mm/yy)_______________ to ______________Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest tradingmarketplace$ ______________________ (iii) Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day ofthe specified trading period______________________(iv) Market value of class or series(iii) x (iv)$ ______________________ (B) 3rd Specified Trading Period(dd/mm/yy)_______________ to ______________ Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest tradingmarketplace$ ______________________ (v) Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day ofthe specified trading period______________________ (vi) Market value of class or series(v) x (vi)$ ______________________ (C)44,257,676,670.05 1,190,042,395 37.1900 47,497,056,483.8 1,180,931,290 40.2200 30/06/2022 01/04/202296,540,370,720.56 114,185,448 30/09/2000 01/07/2022
4th Specified Trading Period(dd/mm/yy)_______________ to ______________ Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest tradingmarketplace$ ______________________ (vii) Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day ofthe specified trading period______________________ (viii) Market value of class or series(vii) x (viii)$ ______________________(D) 5th Specified Trading Period(dd/mm/yy)_______________ to ______________ Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest tradingmarketplace$ ______________________ (ix) Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day ofthe specified trading period______________________ (x) Market value of class or series(ix) x (x)$ ______________________ (E) Average Market Value of Class or Series(Calculate the simple average of the market value of the class or series of security for each applicable specified tradingperiod (i.e. A through E above))$ ______________________ (1) (Repeat the above calculation for each other class or series of equity securities of the reporting issuer (and a subsidiary, if applicable) that was listed or quoted on a marketplace at the end of the previous financial year)01/10/202231/12/2022 47.0100 1,195,697,614 56,209,744,834.14
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