Assessment Task 3 - Consultant Review Report
About the assignment
Format: Report
Length: 2000 words (maximum including a 125 summary abstract). This maximum word length does not include references.
Value: 40 percent.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- critically reflect on socio-cultural diversity and values, world systems and the benefits of local and global development practices for communities engaged in development processes
- determine and apply the specialist knowledge and technical skills required to creatively solve problems, demonstrating expert judgment and ethical responsibility in your professional practice in international development
- critically analyse, synthesize and reflect on personal awareness and lived experience, theories and practices of development, both local and international, to extend and challenge knowledge and practice in the discipline
- critically reflect on the causes and impacts of poverty in global contexts and to evaluate the theories and practice of development institutions.
- a) You have been provided with a short fictionalised account of a development setting that will highlight a series of gender related issues (see below). Your task is to engage with this document as an emergent 'gender expert' hired by DFAT to provide advice to:
- Drawing from the scoping document, determine the three gender issues that you would give priority to and justify why you have chosen each.
- Determine all of the remaining gender issues that you can identify in the scoping document and briefly give reason as to why you have chosen not to focus on them at (you may use a table for this part only).
- Suggest any initial programming responses that you believe could be appropriate to the three priorities you have chosen and justify your reasoning. While you can recommend programing that requires external intervention (or has dimensions thereof), you are strongly encouraged to identify existing resources from within the community and areas of community strength as part of identifying your programming responses.
- b) Please find the DFAT briefing document and example template here
- Assessment Instructions and Scoping DocumentDownload Assessment Instructions and Scoping Document
- Example report template Download Example report template(This is by way of example only and you are more than welcome to design or use a different report template).
- c) Relevant Instructions and details are contained within b) 1. and please see the assessment video here if of assistance to you.
d). Please include whether you would like 'in assessment comments' either on your submitted document and/or in the comments when you submit the assessment. All assignments will receive general comments as well as results broken down by rubric so this is only relevant to in text comments.
- d) Additional resources.
You would be able to write a high quality assignment by simply drawing on material that you have engaged with across this course. While it is not necessary, if you are interested in reading deeper so as to build your ideas or engagement in particular areas or themes, I would recommend the following three articles that appeared in Module Nine. While these are GBV focused, and the first is not specific to Timor, they would each provide you with ideas that extend beyond GBV.
- Mary Ellsberg, Diana J Arango, Matthew Morton, Floriza Gennari, Sveinung Kiplesund, Manuel Contreras and Charlotte Watts ( 2015), 'Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls: What does the Evidence say?Links to an external site.' The Lancet, vol. 385, no. 9977, 18–24 April, pp. 1555-66.
- Damian Grenfell, Meabh Cryan, Kathryn Robertson and Alex McClean (2015), 'Beyond Fragility & Inequity Women’s Experiences of the Economic Dimensions of Domestic Violence in Timor-Leste'Links to an external site., The Asia Foundation, Dili (Read according to areas of interest).
- Damian Grenfell (2018),Inside and Out: Violence Against Women and Spatiality in East Timor’, in (Eds.) Joanne Wallis, Lia Kent, Miranda Forsyth, Sinclair Dinnen and Srinjoy Bose Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development: Critical Conversations, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 237-52.
There are also many other articles on Timor that could be relevant depending on your approach. Also see:
- The Asia Foundation, (2018), Understanding Violence Against Women and Children in Timor-Leste: Findings from the Nabilan Baseline StudyLinks to an external site..
In addition, please make sure you look ahead to Modules 11-12 where there are a lot of resources related to programming.
Also, and depending on your approach, you may be interested in the following articles.
- Niven, Hamish et al (2018) “‘They Love Us Just the Way They Love a Woman’: Gender Identity, Power and Transactional Sex Between Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Timor-Leste.”Download They Love Us Just the Way They Love a Woman’: Gender Identity, Power and Transactional Sex Between Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Timor-Leste.”Culture, health & sexuality8: 858–872.
- Smith, Sarah. “‘When “Gender” Started’: The United Nations in Post-Occupation Timor-Leste.”Download “‘When “Gender” Started’: The United Nations in Post-Occupation Timor-Leste.”Global change, peace & security1 (2015): 55–67.
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