Mental health is a global problem in today's world. A recent study by Steel, et. al. (2014) captures the magnitude of the issue. Surveying respondents across 63 countries, this study found that, globally, one in every five persons has experienced a common mental disorder in the last one year preceding this assessment. This indicates a fairly high prevalence of mental health issues in the global population. Of these, dementia is a mental health condition that is particularly on the rise globally. According to Prince, et. al.'s (2015) report, above 46 million suffer from dementia worldwide.
Dementia can manifest in about 100 types, the commonest kinds being Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, dementia with lewy bodies, Parkinson's disease, etc. (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2014). Patients suffering from dementia will demonstrate memory loss, communication difficulty, mood swings, erratic behaviours, organisation and planning problems and also gradually deteriorating physical health. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder where the brain gradually stops to function. The pathophysiology of the disorder constitutes a cortical or subcortical deterioration of mounting cholinergic neurons and huge pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex (Arendt, et. al., 2015). A mental disorder as critical as this naturally requires tactful nursing and care, be it in hospitals or community settings.
Nursing, in general, is a practice that demands empathy and sensitivity, apart from trained nursing skills. And when it comes to caring for dementia patients, nursing becomes even more critical and sensitive. This is because, people suffering from any kind of mental illness are the most stigmatised, disadvantaged and discriminated individuals (Mannarini & Rossi, 2019). Naturally therefore, the care of such individuals also needs to be thoughtfully developed. This essay aims to discuss the nursing principles that are important and should be fundamental to caring for the mentally ill. Through exploring some recent literature (mostly peer-reviewed journals), this essay will attempt to identify the basic principles of nursing that need to be practised while taking care of patients with mental disorders.
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