Binh's Bins All Journal Entries 06/01/2025 to 06/30/2025 Account NumberAccount DescriptionDebitsCredits 06/03/2025J2RDT-C4778, Red Deer Trust - new loan 1080Chequing Account40,000.00- Loan for extra bins 2250Bank Loan-40,000.00 Red Deer Trust loan 06/02/2025J5(COR)BH-5621, Paint & Stencils from Badlands Hardware 1360Supplies170.00- Paint & stencils 2670GST Paid on Purchases8.50- GST @ 5% 2100A/P - Badlands Hardware-178.50 Terms: net 20 06/03/2025J7HC-7655, Additional dumpsters from Hoodoos Containers 1560Dumpsters35,550.00- Additional Dumpsters 2670GST Paid on Purchases1,777.50- GST @ 5% 2120A/P - Hoodoos Containers-37,327.50 Terms: net 30 06/05/2025J8Cheque #488, Payment of invoice RDP-8668 2180A/P - Red Deer Promotions2,940.00- Payment of invoice RDP8668 1080Chequing Account-2,940.00 Red Deer payment of invoice R... 06/05/2025J9Receipt #120, Receipt of cheque #98 from Redbird Brothers - invoice #BB-351 1080Chequing Account5,880.00- Redbird Brothers cheque #98 1240A/R - Redbird Brothers-5,880.00 Invoice #BB-351 06/06/2025J10Invoice #BB-363, Watershed Insurance 1260A/R - Watershed Insurance6,720.00- Terms: net 20 2650GST Charged on Services-320.00 GST @ 5% 4100Revenue from Dumpster Rentals-6,400.00 Dumpster rental for flood dama... 06/06/2025J11#SM-6111, Sylvan Motors - lube, oil and filter changes for three trucks 5150Truck Expenses960.00- Lube, oil and filter changes for th... 2670GST Paid on Purchases48.00- GST @5% 2200A/P - Sylvan Motors-1,008.00 Terms: net 30 06/08/2025J12#RDT-D3691, Red Deer Trust - Bank charges 5040Bank Charges129.00- Bank service charges 1080Chequing Account-129.00 Bank service charges 06/10/2025J13#WD-4499, Western Data - new dispatch and scheduling software 1520Computers and Software840.00- New dispatch and scheduling sof... 2670GST Paid on Purchases42.00- GST @ 5% 2220A/P - Western Data-882.00 Terms: net 10 06/11/2025J14Cheque #489, Binh reimbursement for telephone bill 3150Binh's Bins, Drawings361.20- Reimbursement for telephone bill 1080Chequing Account-361.20 Reimbursement for telephone bill 06/11/2025J15Cheque #490, Hoodoos Containers Printed On: 03/20/2023
Binh's Bins All Journal Entries 06/01/2025 to 06/30/2025 Account NumberAccount DescriptionDebitsCredits 2120A/P - Hoodoos Containers37,327.50- Invoice #HC-7655 1080Chequing Account-37,327.50 Hoodoos Containers invoice #H... 06/12/2025J16Receipt #121, Ontime Contracting - cheque #58821 1080Chequing Account2,730.00- Ontime Contracting - invoice #B... 1200A/R - Ontime Contracting-2,730.00 Invoice #BB-338 06/14/2025J17#BB-364, Piper Creek Mall - dumpster rental 1220A/R - Piper Creek Mall3,990.00- Terms: net 30 4100Revenue from Dumpster Rentals-3,800.00 Piper Creek Mall - dumpster ren... 2650GST Charged on Services-190.00 GST @ 5% 06/15/2025J18#SM-7941, Sylvan Motors - Truck repairs 5150Truck Expenses1,900.00- Truck repairs 2670GST Paid on Purchases95.00- GST @ 5% 2200A/P - Sylvan Motors-1,995.00 Terms: net 30 06/18/2025J19Cheque #491, Badlands Hardware - Invoice #BH-5621 2100A/P - Badlands Hardware178.50- Invoice #BH-5621 1080Chequing Account-178.50 Cheque #491 - Badlands Hard... 06/19/2025J20#BB-365, Sunnybrook Estates - Dumpster rentals 1280A/R - Sunnybrook Estates5,040.00- Terms: net 30 4100Revenue from Dumpster Rentals-4,800.00 Sunnybrook Estates - Invoice #... 2650GST Charged on Services-240.00 GST @ 5% 06/20/2025J22#BB-366, Ontime Contracting - subcontracting fees dumpster rental & dumping charges 1200A/R - Ontime Contracting10,605.00- Terms: net 30 4150Revenue from Subcontracting-10,100.00 Ontime Contracting - Invoice #B... 2650GST Charged on Services-505.00 GST @ 5% 06/24/2025J23#BB-367, Watershed Insurance - dumpster rentals 1260A/R - Watershed Insurance2,520.00- Terms: net 30 4100Revenue from Dumpster Rentals-2,400.00 Watershed Insurance - Invoice ... 2650GST Charged on Services-120.00 GST @ 5% 06/25/2025J24#BP-2194, Beaver Ponds - Resufacing parking area 5100Maintenance & Repairs4,040.00- Resurfacing parking area - Dama... 2670GST Paid on Purchases202.00- GST @ 5% 2240A/P - Beaver Ponds Paving-4,242.00 Terms: net 10 06/25/2025J25#RDP-822, Red Deer Promotions - Website redesign 5020Advertising & Promotion900.00- Website redesign 2670GST Paid on Purchases45.00- GST @ 5% 1080Chequing Account-945.00
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