ANALYSIS OF FINAL ACCOUNTS_EXERCISE Outcome 05 - Lecture 11 "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela"
OUTCOME 05 Business Accounting SQA - HND 2 Cash flow statements Accounting ratios Analysis of final accountsAnalyze the performance and financial position of a business
Business Accounting SQA - HND 3 The Olympic themed board game was a huge success. Humbro's production and sales model is currently prioritised towards the Christmas market, but management feel that the success of the Olympic board game has revealed a lucrative niche market for similar products that could help reduce the dependence on Christmas trading. Consequently, the company has decided to expand the business to create a new product which can capitalise on the next football World Cup to be held in two years time. Investment in new premises, plant, machinery, materials and labour will be required to meet this plan. Additional financing will be required to fund the expansion. The Finance Director is on long term leave but the Board has been provided with the Profit and Loss Statements, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements for the years 2011 and 2012..
Business Accounting SQA - HND 4 The Finance Director's absence has led to a lack of clarity and understanding of the various finance options among the other board members. The Managing Director does not want to upset the shareholders or any other current users of the published Accounts. The MD has asked for your advice addressing their concerns and some other questions he has. You are expected to examine the financial statements in detail and to produce a report addressing the Profitability, Efficiency, Liquidity and leverage of the Company.
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