FIN1FOF Fundamentals Of Finance - Project Evaluation

Assistance on Weighted Average Cost of Capital


Please read carefully before continuing.

1. Check the Subject Learning Guide for the Assignment deadline.

2. This Assignment consists of 2 parts. Each part is worth 50%.

3. Enter your Student Number in the "Student No." tab and then click on each tab, carefully reading all instructions as you go, to complete the Assignment.

4. The Assignment must be submitted via Turnitin on the Moodle (which can be found in the Assignment Information section). Hard copies will not be accepted. Make sure you have successfully attached your submission before submitting and exiting Turnitin and Moodle. Make sure you receive email confirmation of your submission. If you aren't sure, go back into Turnitin and check that your submission is attached.

5. You are to enter all of your answers in this spreadsheet, save it to your computer and submit it as your Assignment submission. No other file will be accepted.

6. It is strongly recommended that you use a Windows-based PC rather than an Apple device. Apple devices can't handle complex spreadsheets very will. It is possible that your submitted Assignment will be corrupted an unable to be opened. If this happens, we will contact you to discuss what we can do to resolve the problem.

7. Please do NOT change the name of the file. Do NOT add your name or student number. This might make the file name too long and sometimes this means the file cannot be opened. Because you are submitting via the LMS Dropbox, we know who you are. Just save the file as "FIN1FOF Assignment.xlsx" on your computer.

8. You do NOT need to complete an "Academic Integrity Assignment Submission Form". By submitting your Assignment via the Moodle, you are agreeing to the Statement of Student Responsibility that appears on the LTCA website.

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