f your classes end after December 5th, you will have the options listed below. When student enrolls in a payment plan, the first payment will be the 5th of the next month. DEADLINEOPTION Enroll by March 25, 2022$15.00 down, 6 payments (April-Sept. 5th ) Enroll by April 25, 2022$15.00 down; 6 payments (May-Oct.5th ) Enroll by May 25, 2022$15.00 down; 6 payments (June-Nov. 5th ) Enroll by June 23, 2022$15.00 down; 6 payments (July-Dec. 5th ) Enroll by July 27, 2022$15.00 down; 5 payments (August-Dec.5th ) Enroll by August 25, 2022$15.00 down; 4 payments (Sept.-Dec.5th ) Enroll by September 26, 2022$15.00 down; 3 payments (Oct.-Dec.5th ) Enroll by October 27, 2022$15.00 down; 2 payments (Nov.-Dec.5th ) Enroll by November 22, 2022$15.00 down; 1 payment (December 5th ) Payments are withdrawn on the 5th of the month Enroll in a payment plan through my.maricopa.edu Payment Methods: Automatic bank payment from a checking or savings account Automatic credit/debit card withdrawals Cost to Participate: $25 per semester non-refundable enrollment fee (separate from down payment) $30 fee if payment is returned (if the payment for the enrollment fee is returned for any reason, the agreement may be terminated) Please note:A payment plan remains active for the full semester.Charges posted to your student account throughout the semester, such as a parking fine or any other assessed fee, will cause a change in your payment amount or initiate an additional payment even if your payment plan was at a zero balance prior to the newly posted charges. STEPS TO ENROLL IN THE PAYMENT PLAN: 1.Log into my.maricopa.edu using your MEID and password 2.Once in your Student Center, scroll down to Finances 3.Under Account Summary click Payment Options 4.Click Payment Plan (be sure pop-up blocker is disabled) 5.Select semester then click Payment Plan 6.Follow the instructions for entering your personal information 7.Payments will be deducted from the financial account you selected 8.Down payment amount will be based on the date you enroll (see above schedule) 9.Confirmation will be sent to email address that Nelnet has on record 10.Agreement details can be viewed the following business day at www.mypaymentplan.com
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